Knowing that I'm short on time, I do my routine in a monotonous but somewhat hurried manner and within the next fifteen minutes, I'm exiting out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around my body and my damp hair lying limply on my shoulders. My next destination being the closet where I can rifle through my clothes and get a simple outfit together.

I raise an eyebrow while passing Malleus, grinning at the way his eyes darken while his eyes trail down the entirety of my body. It's a small act but the fact that he reacts as if he's seeing me in such a state for the first time all over again just makes me feel that tiny bit more confident. I feel as if he'll never get over me being his mate just like I'll never be able to get over him.

This dependency we have on one another would have sent me running for the hills if it wasn't the fact that the gorgeous man still eyeing me was my mate.

Slipping into an outfit that is somewhat similar to what my mate is wearing- give or take a few things here and there such as a long coat to keep me safe from the harsh rain outside - I refocus my attention on Malleus who extends his hand out for me to grab, a clear sign we're going to be heading out now. Even though I've been over the plan numerous times in my head, I still feel on edge while my stomach dances around with a bad case of butterflies.

"We've gone through the entire plan, don't worry about it." Malleus whispers to me so only I hear, the both of us reaching a small gathering which consisted of the Head Mage, Apollo and a surprisingly anxious Asha who taps her foot in a continuous rhythm.

"We're also expecting things to go wrong anyway." I mumble back to him just as someone else approaches us from the other side. My brow raises a fraction of an inch before it drops back down, not wanting to make my surprise obvious as Keir stalks his way towards the group but then pausing a foot away, not mingling with us.

One glance at Malleus has my suspicions confirmed, knowing he purposely called the wolf not only as a security measure but also because he feels like the mate bond will work in our favour if worse comes to worse.

"We should be leaving now, Magus. The witch awaits us at the edge of the forest." The Head Mage speaks up, a gummy smile being sent Malleus' way to which he nods, turning to me. Taking in a deep breath, I signal for him that I'm ready to get going while Asha gives her mate's hand a loving squeeze before letting go.

"Good luck, I guess." Asha announces to all of us before falling back while we head on and out of the castle. The rain batters against me but thankfully my coat takes up most of the moisture, my clothes underneath safe for now while Malleus treks on as if the rain isn't soaking his clothes and making them cling to him for life. I guess he's dead set on all of this going wrong which is why his clothes don't bother him, they'll be getting ripped to shreds in less than half an hour according to him.

Our exit out of the castle is a familiar one as we take the back exit we did a while back, the front entrance hardly being used unless large deliveries were taking place. As soon as I step through the gate, a resounding sigh escapes the small group except for the Head Mage who grins wider and beckons behind me, motioning for her beloved friend to hurry along.

"For a second I thought you guys would leave without me." Ezra says in a jubilant tone while he gathers his footing after running to catch up to us.

"We were." Is all Malleus says curtly, the rest of us lapsing into silence as we trek down the hill and to the outskirts of the sleeping city. The silence that greets us causes my hair to raise on end and this simply causes me to scoot closer to Malleus. The lack of sound increasingly creepy but getting better as we near the forest. My moment of ease stripping away when the forest too sounds void of all life. No badgers, owls, or foxes making a peep. I can't even pickup on the usually nearly silent scuttling of rodents against the forest floor, well, all except one.

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