Chapter IV:The Two Skies and the Storm In Hogwarts

Start from the beginning

As Tsuna insisted that he had always been sarcastic and sassy ever since he was a teen,Hayato was fake crying as he dabbed his eyes with a white handkerchief.

Severus,who had become awake a little while ago,just before the start of the whole conversation,wanted to facepalm at the childish behaviours of his father and uncle.

....Then again,this situation rarely happens--Zio Hayato was usually serious and all business-like,while his father acted cool/mature most of the time.

He rarely saw them in a banter like this,and honestly,it was like a breath of fresh air.

Severus finally yawned and opened his eyes to see them still having a banter,nudging each other or attempting to hit each other's accupuncture points.

He then felt Lily stirring next to him,blinking her bleary eyes as she rubbed at them.

"...Where are we?" She yawned cutely,making the ravenet feel awed,before he shook his head.

"I'm not sure...." He started to say,when the train began to slow down.

"Well,we're here." Tsuna smiled at them,handing them a damp towel to wipe their faces and the sleep from their eyes.

After doing so,Hayato took the towel and stored it inside a case,before he let it return to the storage box that hung by his belt.

Severus eyed the storage boxes and some of the box weapon,and the silveret caught his line of thinking.

"Juudaime wants to check if Hogwarts will truly be a safe place for you and the other students...he had a feeling that he should go check." Hayato informed.

"But Hogwarts is the safest and the most secure place in the whole world!" Lily protested when she heard what the silveret said.

The man shook his head as he helped the redhead with her things.

"Not everything holds the truth...sometimes,the safest and most secure place holds the most dangerous secrets." Hayato darkly chuckled.

Tsuna bonked his head with a karate chop,huffing as his bestfriend yelped and grumbled at what he did.

"Ha-ya-to-kun.I'd appreciate it if you don't scare them like that."


With a roll of his eyes,Tsuna led the group out of the train and began to follow the other students(of the same year or higher than Severus')up to a path.

Waiting for them,was the Headmaster and Professor Mcgonagall.

Tsuna glanced at the Hogwarts staff,before glancing at his son and patting his hair affectionately.

"Well.This is where you and I part ways...I'll be going with the Headmaster,while you and Miss Evans head with the other students of your year and Professor Mcgonagall." He informed.

Embarrassed,Severus tried to get his father's hand away from his head,frowning.

"Alright,alright!Now leave and just go!" He huffed.

Tsuna chuckled as he took off his hand,while Hayato ruffled his hair roughly,making the ravenet yelp.

"Later,bambino." He smirked,ignoring the annoyed glare.

The two then briskly went off to meet the Headmaster as Severus and Lily went with the other students.


"....And now,for an announcement,two new teachers and two new subjects!" Headmaster Dumbledore suddenly announce after his usual greetings to the other students.

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