innocent selflessness

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Damon's pov:

Stefan was playing in the garden. He was barely 10, unusually skinny for his age, still so full of life. His green little eyes were the cutest thing ever. He was the only thing that made my days better as father kept on drinking. The other day he punished me for stealing when I honestly had nothing to do with it, but because I was afraid he was gonna hurt Stefan, I took the blame. Stefan kept muttering as he saw me bruised with a burn mark of father's cigar "sorry.. I'm so sorry" Even though it wasn't his fault. I zoned out and came back to present when all of a sudden I saw father slapping Stefan hard and dragging him to his room.. where he punished us. Stefan was whimpering and sobbing. "Father please.. " "Shut up you worthless boy. Stealing from me? Huh? WHERE'S MY LIGHTER?" "I don't know father p-please" His voice was breaking. I went to the room. "Father Stefan wouldn't have taken your lighter please leave him" I said, pleadingly. As I saw his green eyes shedding huge tears, my heart clenched. "No! Do you smoke huh?" Father shouted accusingly. "N-no father please let me go I d-didnt do anything p-please" He was sobbing so hard he started getting interrupted by hiccups. "You are getting punished for this " He shouted and then slapped him hard, making him fall to his knees. "Take off your shirt" " F-father please- please I didn't- didn't do anything- .. Damon- please.." "Father please he's just a kid. Don't do this! " " Shut up or I'm going to punish you too. You are making him a weakling just like yourself! " I stood back wondering whether I should intervene or not. I was scared. Stefan kept looking at me with his pleading eyes. Then started taking off his shirt and accepted his fate. "Ten hits! I'm letting you off easy! " Stefan was so scared I could see it in his face. Father took out his belt and I saw Stefan shivering with fear. The first hit made him cry so hard my heart broke. "AAAAAH DAMON PLEASE " "Father stop it. He has not taken it. YOU'RE PUNISHING HIM FOR NOTHING" I raised my voice. " BOY YOU DON'T GET TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT. SHUT UP OR ELSE IT'S GOING TO BE 20 FOR HIM AND 10 FOR YOU AS WELL" I had to shut up. There's no way that 10 year old kid could survive 20 hits from father's belt. Stefan was crying so hard .Tears were streaming down his face. He looked scared. With Each hit came a gut wrenching scream. The ninth one was the hardest "FATHER I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING PLEASE LET ME GO IT'S H-HURTING SO BAD PLEASE AAAAH" the tenth hit came and he was almost unconscious. His breathing ragged and his face flushed red and tear stained. His back was red with welts and bruises. A particular welt was bleeding, courtesy of the ninth hit. He kept crying, weeping . Father grabbed his hair looked him in the eye " Will you ever do this again? " He said in the calmest tone "N-no" He grabbed his hair tighter and pulled it "NO WHAT? " "N-no s-sir". He let go of him and left the room. I rushed to his side and lifted him up. He seemed so light, ever since mother died, he had lost so much weight. He curled into my chest and kept crying. I carried him to his bedroom. He kept hugging himself in my embrace. " Hey, hey calm down, it's okay, I'm here". I knew he did it. I could tell when he was lying. "Why did you steal that lighter?" He hugged himself tighter, scared and slightly shaking " Will you p-punish me too? " I felt my heart break as I heard him say that "no of course not, but you shouldn't steal, it's a bad thing to do " "I-i know but I wanted to throw it away s-so he couldn't light his cigar and wouldn't be able to h-hurt you- i-i'm sorry" He kept crying into my chest. So scared. And I couldn't help but shed a tear at his innocent selflessness.

Author's note : this is a little something I made up.. Please make requests I would love to write all of them.
ly :)

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