- Kustard - A little help

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Classic was peacefully sleeping, until the sound of a bottle threw against the wall woke him up. It seemed like it came from downstairs. At first Classic didn't understand what could've made such a sound, he thought of every bad thing possible. He thought about another genocide, another reset or maybe...
But suddenly he realized he wasn't in his AU. He was in Red's AU.

Last night he went there to get back his sweatshirt and then somehow he fell asleep beside Red while they were talking. He didn't even remember what they were talking about because he was really tired in that moment.

He moved his hands to stand up and put aside the bed sheet, but by doing that his face slowly started to be covered with light-blue blush. He remembered Red couldn't use his bed sheet because he used them to create some new bandages for himself and his brother, so now as now he was covered with Red's jacket.

Classic still didn't get back his own sweatshirt, so the only thing he could do was wearing that jacket. It was the first time he did such thing, so he expected the jacket to be warm but uncomfortable for some unknown reason, but instead it was really cold... no, not cold now that he thought about it. Really fresh, but also soft.

It gave Classic a strange feeling wearing someone's else clothes, but he tried to ignore it, because, after all, that was Red's jacket and he didn't have to worry about anything.

He stood up and focused on the sounds inside the house, to be sure no one who didn't know about him saw anything they shouldn't; he heard some screamings and a door slamming, then nothing more. He was starting to get worried.

When everything seemed to get more silent he quietly opened the room door and quickly walked out, closing the door behind him as noiselessly as possible. He heard another sound, so he just hid in the shadows of the house. He could've teleported away and then call Ink to go back in his AU, but after what he heard he didn't want to leave Red alone. The sound of some slow footsteps filled the house, then silence again...

"This isn't good at all" Classic thought as he started to slowly walk downstairs. He looked around, but no one was there. He walked away from the shadows to see if he could find Red, but in the living room there was no one. He started to walk around and went in the kitchen. There he found who he was looking for...

Red was getting some bandages and ice. When he turned around Classic understood why. Half of Red's skull was cracked... it really was a gross scene. He didn't see Classic, so he sat on a chair beside the table and started to bandage his skull, without washing it before. He looked sadder than angry and sighed a bit... It seemed more like a sob than a sigh.

Classic walked beside him and gently touched his clavicles, while saying:

"Dear, what happened?"

Red didn't freak out even if he wasn't expecting Classic to be there; he was used to jump-scares. So he slowly turned around and weakly said:

"Nothing much"

"Red, please, you know you can tell me anything" Classic told him worriedly

Red sighed again and answered: "Undyne came to call Boss for some royal duties... But..." He hesitated, anyways then decided to continue talking "She saw us calmly having breakfast... So she freaked out" He looked away.

Classic understood perfectly what happened after, but wanted to be sure before assuming wrong things: "...And?"

Red looked back at Classic and waited a bit before answering... after a while he said: "She Was about to kill me once again... So my brother took a bottle to stop her..." He stopped again, it was really difficult for him to go on. "But I moved to avoid Undyne's hit and the bottle broken on the wrong one's head... Mine"

Classic was expecting that. Red's life was so sad and different from his. His AU was an actual hell.

"Then to avoid another hit your brother decided to pull Undyne outside and teach her a lesson, didn't he?" Classic asked. Red just nodded as an answer.

Classic was the one who was sighing now, he softly took Red's bandages and changed topic.

"Let me help you"

He gently and slowly took off the bandages from Red's skull and made him stand up. Even if Classic was being as gentle as possible Red still growled a bit. It was his way to tell Classic he didn't want help.

"Just a little help Red, please... You'll feel better after"

Classic softly helped Red to get a water bottle and wash his injury, then he helped him to sit down again and bandaged his skull with the bed sheet.

Red didn't like to feel so protected, he thought he was very weak and others help would've just aggravated the situation But seeing Classic so dedicated while doing something made him stop thinking of that and he just looked at his original version thinking about how beautiful he looked, but without noticing he was wearing his jacket.

When Classic finished he sat beside Red and looked at him as-well. They stayed like that for a while, then Red moved and put an hand on his lap two times. At first Classic didn't understand, but then he blushed a lot and looked away.

"I'm not going to sit on your lap" He mumbled.

He was looking to the floor, so he didn't see Red standing up, nor heard him, but suddenly Red sat on his lap. Classic blushed more.

Red chuckled and said: "What? You think I wouldn't repay you for your... Little help?"

Classic mumbled some kind of insult and Red hugged him, putting his skull between Classic's neck and clavicle. At that point Red noticed he was wearing his jacket and smirked. He took the jacket and hugged Classic, putting his hands under it.

Even if Classic had a T-shirt under the jacket he felt all Red's bone touching his and noticed how cold they were. But that wasn't the kind of cold he disliked, it was a familiar one, an heart touching one, so he slowly hugged Red back, while blushing a lot.

Maybe Classic thought he couldn't help Red with his AU and life and felt like he was useless for him, but those moments were Red's reason to live and continue his fight against his difficult life. Even just Classic's presence, was a little help, which could turn into something bigger and more important.

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