- Fluffynight - A bad day

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Nightmare angrily teleported in his castle hallway. He just had a fight with his brother and an argument with Dust and Horror, that day couldn't get any worse. He was about to break whatever he saw in his way, trying to get rid of all the bad feelings he always have around thanks to his aura when he noticed something strange.

His castle was always dark and creepy and it always smelled of stained blood, a piercing smell he hated more than anything else. No one but the members of his squad lived there, so it was always dirty because nobody ever cleaned it. No matter how many times he told Killer, Dust and Horror to clean at least their own messes and got angry no one ever listened, so usually he was pissed off by that as-well.

But not that day. That day there wasn't dust or stained blood on the ground and everything was put on the shelfs in a very precise way. The horrible smell wasn't horrible anymore, still it wasn't sweet or something Nightmare hated, it was simple. The simple perfume of cappuccino; a perfume Nightmare knew well and loved more than anything.

The thing that surprised Nightmare more was the fact that the dark atmosphere of the castle didn't leave and everything still looked dark and just clean.

That wasn't the best day of his life, but what he saw helped him to calm down and take a deep breath, he was too focused on his problems that he couldn't understand who did all of that.

Nightmare started to walk around, getting a bit curious, and then he suddenly saw him. He saw Ccino.

Ccino was sipping coffee from a white cup sat on a very big couch. As he saw him Nightmare smiled a bit; since he met Ccino he started to become softer than usual around him and even if he was aware of that he didn't really care because Ccino was his sunshine and he was happy like this.

Nightmare waked and sat beside his sunshine, who looked at him and smiled. You would've just needed Ccino's smile to tame Nightmare, because he thought it was the most truthful and bright smile he ever saw in his entire life.

Even if Nightmare tried to hide his sadness and anger Ccino noticed everything and gently asked: "Bad day?" those were just two words, but they meant a lot to Nightmare who nodded as an answer.

Ccino put the cup of coffee, which was now almost empty, on a little table which was right in front of them and then opened his arms. That wasn't the first time he tried to cheer Nightmare up, so for him it was pretty normal; even if he knew Nightmare could've killed him if he was too angry he'd also knew Nightmare would never do such thing and the amount of faith Ccino had towards Nightmare was enough to give him the courage to do everything.

Nightmare slowly laid his head on Ccino's lap and closed his eyes; he didn't care about someone seeing them because if they dared to comment they would've faced the consequences later and regret everything.

Ccino's hug was so warm and familiar, beside him Nightmare started to feel better immediately while time seemed to stop just for them.

All Nightmare's problems seemed to fade away, they looked like problems of someone else; someone who's always angry and sad... Ccino never told Nightmare he was evil, like everyone else always did. They always had lovely conversations or maybe they looked at each other for hours in silence. Silence... that was something Nightmare loved and his sunshine was able to give him whenever he wanted...

Cuddled by Ccino and silence Nightmare slowly fell asleep.


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