Chapter Seven: Southbound

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Thurindaer raised his hands in mocking offence. "I never cheat, I am........... Thurindaer."

The smile dropped from Anberenien's face, and she looked about nervously. "They know who you really are, Galadriel and Celeborn," she whispered.

Thurindaer chuckled. "Why, of course they do. That is not the point. The Woodland King would need to be accompanied by a large retinue. But Thurindaer can travel without attracting attention. This guise I am willing to endure, in honour of my brother's sacrifice." He did not relish the journey ahead, too many painful memories. He thought of his father, Lasseth, and all the other brave souls who had been slain at Dagorlad. But war was over now and the shadow was gone. If he wished to remain at Thorwen's side, he would have to face his fears and humble himself."

"You intend to keep this up all the way to Minas Tirith?"

Thurindaer brought his arm to rest upon his raised knee in a more relaxed pose. "I will if I must. Of course, I am looking forward to seeing Legolas. I wonder how long it will take for him to recognise me?"

"Have you had word from him?"

"Yes, he is in Ithilien with King Elessar's host, serving as my emissary. I look forward to his homecoming. He is sure to have quite a tale to tell."

"What if someone recognises you?"

Thurindaer tugged at his hood. "They won't!"

"Are you going to keep your hood up for the entire journey?"

"I don't see why not."

A mischievous grin crept across Anberenien's face. "Even so, a servant should show his face to his master or mistress, as a mark of respect."

"Who told you that?"

"You did." And they both giggled.

"Very well, my Lady Princess, as Thurindaer is a loyal servant of the Woodland King. He had better lower his hood as a mark of respect to his mistress." He felt a blush forming upon his cheeks as he slowly lowered his hood. But was surprised when Anberenien threw her head back with laughter when she saw him."What is it? What is so funny?"

"Your hair..... you look just like Legolas. You could pass for twins!" she chuckled.

Thurindaer frowned. "Hilarious, if I were not your servant, I would....."

Anberenien's face broke out into a cheeky grin."You would what? Lock me in my chamber? Not without you, I hope, my Lord King."

"What are you insinuating? I am your humble servant, my Lady Princess," replied Thurindaer. He feigned embarrassment at her words, but in truth, it excited him. "Am I to assume your grandmother has passed some womanly wisdom to you?"

Anberenien's eyes shone even more brightly than he remembered. "She has explained the more intimate parts of the wedding ceremony, my Lord........ Thurindaer." The slip of her tongue amused him. It did not surprise him that Galadriel had counselled Anberenien on such matters. With Lord Elrond as her adopted father, she was best placed to give such advice and would most likely have done the same for Lady Arwen. He pondered for a moment who would have given Galadriel such counsel. Most likely Melian, who was like a mother to her when they all lived in Doriath. How different she had been in those days, age had certainly mellowed her. As Thurindaer pondered on this, he suddenly realised Anberenien had gone.

Concerned, he looked about him only to see her standing near a grove of Mallorns. She giggled, beckoning him to follow before entering the grove. Thurindaer did not hesitate. He rose quickly, a smirk creeping across his face as he followed her. It was silent as he entered the grove, golden leaves falling gently around him.

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