~{Chapter 6}~

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No one's POV:

"I GOT IN!" Izuku yelled with pride

Hisashi smiled "I new you'd get in! Becouse I'm always right!" He said with just as much pride

Izuku shook he's head "April 15 of 2009" Izuku said simply

Hisashi nodded "Yeah okay..." He said "But I was right this time!" He corrected hemself quickly

Inko smiled "Oh that's wonderful Sweetie!" Inko yelled as she hugged Izuku "We should get something to celebrate! Maybe take out? Or a gift?" Inko kept going on and Hisashi would butt in every now and then

Izuku tried to shut them both up "Guys! Guys! MOM DAD!" they looked at Izuku "I don't need anything, Though we could make some home made pizza?" Izuku asked with a smile

Inko nodded "Of course! Hisashi go and get the stuff for homemade pizza" Inko told her husband, and with the way she put it there was no room for any type of debating.

Hisashi nodded "Yes ma'am! Izuku you can go to your room untill were done" he said,

Izuku complied and went to he's room with Gunnar, Izuku sat down at he's desk with a sigh "Holy shit today was eventful" Izuku mutterd to hemself

Gunnar flew over to he's desk and sat down in front of him (Side note, search up bids sitting, trust me on this) "Master!" He said as he spread he's wings out

Izuku giggled "Yes Gunnar?" Izuku asked as he got out some paper and a pin

Gunnar flapped he's wings "What's my purpose?" He asked

Izuku looked up at he's pet robot in surprise "I was expecting this question but not so soon..." Izuku mutterd before giving a real answer "Well your main purpose is to..." Izuku thought for a moment "Well actually I don't know..." Izuku said

The bird tilted he's head as if asking for an explanation, Izuku sighed "Well when I was younger I didn't have any friends so thought I could make one aka you, but after a while I just got used to being alone but I still worked on you... so I guess your purpose is to just, be there for me?" Izuku clarified

Gunnar flew back up to Izuku's head and rested hemself onto Izuku's fluffy hair "Then I'll be happy to stay" he said as he shut started to play american music for Izuku

Izuku laughed as he started to write down another idea he had for one of he's many babies

~With Kaminari~

Kaminari sat in he's room with the envelope from UA, he's been looking at it for the past hour, why you may ask? Well because he was so scared that he didn't get in that he just couldn't bring hemself to open it

Kaminari shook he's head "I can do this, I just need to open it! That's all!" Kaminari said as he opened the envelope

kaminari was more then confused when he didn't see a letter, but a disk "A... Disk? Is there anything else?" Kaminari asked he looked in the envelope and all around him "Nope... Okay so how dose this work?" Kaminari asked as he tried to figure it out, which was harder then it should've been.

Kaminari finally found a little button, he pressed it and damn near had a heart attack when All Might showed up, but he held out

"Hello I am here! As a hologram!" He said, kaminari nodded as he waited for him to continue "I am here to say that you've gotten 57 villan points! You've gotten enough to join the hero course!" Kaminari started to vibrate from he's excitement

"Welcome to your Hero Academia!" Then it turned off

Kaminari jumped up from he's bed and started to run around like crazy while chanting "I got in, oh my god I got in" over and over and over again

Fuji came into the room to see kaminari bouncing off the walls in excitement "So I'm guessing you got in" he said with a chuckle

Kaminari stopped dead in he's tracks and looked at he's father "YES I DID AND I CAN'T STAY STILL!!!" he yelled before he continued to run around like crazy

Fuji rolled he's eyes "I swear if your papa was here he would be telling you to go outside" he said with an amused smile "Now get cleaned up, were supposed to make food for papa today" Fuji said before walking away

Kaminari nodded "OKAY DAD!" he yelled as he ran to the bathroom to get cleaned up for dinner

~With Bakabitch~

Bakugou started to open he's envelope from UA, he wasn't to worried about if he got in or not, thought he was 100% sure he had gotten in (This man's ego is just... AGHHHH+), once he opened it he wasn't expecting a disk, what the fuck was he supposed to do with this?

He must have accidentally clicked something becouse all might in hologram form popped up from the disk that was still in katsuki's hand, good thing he didn't activate he's quark am I right? (Kinda wish he did..)

"I AM HERE! IN HOLOGRAM FORM!" All Might began

Katsuki wouldn't admit it out loud but he was fanboying right now, becouse you know, the number one hero and all that jazz but aNyWaY!

"I AM HERE TO SAY YOU GOT 68 POINTS ON THE EXAM, THAT'S ENOUGH FOR THE HERO COURSE!" All Might yelled, why did he feel the need to yell? Who the hell knows (If you couldn't tell I don't care for all might)

Katsuki smirked, was he's pride growing from this alone? Yes most likely, but we're not gunna talk about that.

"WELCOME TO YOUR HERO ACIDEMIA!" it said before shutting off

Katsuki nodded "I new I'd get in, I mean I'm fucking awesome. They'd be pretty damn stupid to not let me in" katsuki said with a stupid amount of pride (That'll be destroyed later on :) )


Katsuki growled "YES HAG AND I GOT IN, NO SURPRISE THERE HEH!" katsuki yelled right back

Mitsuki sighed loudly from downstairs "I SWEAR YOUR EGO IS BIGGER THEN MY BREASTS!" she yelled

Katsuki rolled he's eyes "THAT'S NOT SAYING MUCH!" he yelled, and with that another yelling mach started between them, and Masaru was left to listen to it.

Word count: 1,060

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