"Oo-kay?" I drag my words as I process what she just said.

"It's so frustrating sometimes!" She huffs and without giving me a chance to reply she continues her rant. "I mean how oblivious can two people be! I swear there are times, I wish I could just smack some sense into my sister," she rambles on.

"Dude calm down!" I interject her rant, placing both my hands on either of her shoulder attempting to calm her sudden...how do I put it? Outburst?

"Yeah, you're telling me 'calm down' now, wait until it's you having to sit through Christmas dinner with the two of them at the same table and Fallon just happens to introduce her boyfriend to the family!"

"Wait...hold up rewind please, your family and mine have Christmas dinner together?" I ask completely ignoring the rest of her speech.

"Really? That's all you've retained?" Her flat tone rings warning bells in my ears as the blank expression etched her face just adds to the effect.

"Oh common!" I roll my eyes, "you just said it yourself, you get used to it," I justify my words.

"Whatever, you brought it up," she huffs, defending herself by pushing the blame on me only earning herself an eye roll from me.

"Any-hoo, coming back to you," she declares shift position to face me completely.

"What about me?" I reply innocently trying to put off the topic she brings up.

With barely any warning a whack is delivered to my shoulder by Lindsey weaponizing the innocent teddy bear that sat beside her. "What was that for?" I complain rubbing the spot she just hit.

"Stop avoiding the topic!" She reprimands

"I am not!" I protest.

"Are too!" She persists.

Am not!"

"Are too!"

This goes on for few more minutes when we are suddenly interrupted by Lindsey's mum calling us downstairs. So, to end the inconclusive argument I like the mature adult I stick my tongue out at her and exit the room.

"Hey! Come back here, I want the details!" She yells sprinting behind me as I zoom down the stairs.

"What details are we talking about here?" Fallon asks, causing my eyes to widen. staring at the trio standing at the foot of the stairs looking at me expectantly.

"Um..." Like a deer caught in a headlight, I find myself at a loss of words as I aimlessly look around me for an excuse. "Ask Lindsey," I point my finger over my shoulder towards Lindsey.

"Way to put a girl on the spot," I hear her grumble under her breath.

"Lindsey?" Fallon calls out in a sugar-coated tone, grabbing her attention. "Yeah?" Lindsey shifts her gaze towards Fallon.

"Still waiting for an answer, baby sis," Fallon reminds, mischief evident in her eyes.

"That information is privileged," Lindsey concludes after a moment of thought. Her response raises multiple eyebrows.

"Sure, it is," she teases all while her mum and Xavier remain dead silent enjoying the show.

"Oh, look at the time! I think we should head home," I suggest avoiding Xavier's piercing gaze as I descend the last few steps.

"I thought you said you didn't want to stay home alone," he is quick to point out hindering my attempts to escape the situation.

"I changed my mind," I shrug.

"Sure, you did," he remarks, making me bite the inside of my cheek as my gaze roamed across my surroundings avoiding everyone's gaze as Lindsey mirrors my actions.

"Let's go then," he announces motioning towards the door, and within seconds I'm out.

As the drive home progresses, realization hit me. 'I don't wanna be left alone right now though' Although it was me who suggested we go home, being alone right now is the last thing I need because that's when all the bad thoughts settle in.

'It might not be such a bad thing after all' I try convincing myself. 'Maybe I could work on opening the jewelry box'

"Jack is home for the rest of the day and will be supervising you," Xavier informs me casually, his eyes glued to the road.

"Oh joy," I mumble sarcastically under my breath, but admittedly knowing that I won't be completely alone at home makes me feel a bit batter, even if the person supposedly company is Jack the epitome of annoyance.

'This is going to be the longest twenty-four hours I've ever been awake for!' I sigh realizing that I barely slept a wink since my nap this morning. 'And with the house under Jack's supervision, I don't think sleep is anywhere in my near future'

'Whoever this mystery texter is, I hope for their sake Xavier finds them before I figure it out. Because my revenge list is just getting bigger by the minute, and if I do find them, I would hate to be them!'

Author's Note:

Okay before you say it, I'll admit it, this was a rushed chapter!

And I'll probably come back and edit it later, but for now, I hope you enjoy it.

Comment &vote on your way out though!


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