Birth Of The Miracle Kid

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                    In this world of Magia, There are many wizards and sorcerers. The Warlocks who caused nothing but chaos are long extinct. It is an age of peace in the world of Magia. In the year 507 AS, A boy in the country of Divinazione is born with immense magic. The entire country of Divinazione feels the presence of immense magic. It is said that every 500 years, a kid is born with immense magic. History has repeated itself. Daizo Nozawa is the name of this kid who is born in an average household. 

                    School starts again after a short vacation for the young mages. The Mago Regashi School had reopened after a month of holidays. It was time for the young mages to surpass their limits and learn something new. The Mago Regashi School is the birthplace of all the Legendary Wizards and Sorcerers that have led the country away from the danger that the Evil Warlocks pose on the Country. Warlocks have not been spotted for 507 years but the Principal of The Mago Regashi School and the leader of the Country of Divinazione believes that there are Warlocks who still exist in our world and are going to purge upon our nation. Because of his belief, Multiple Top Tier Mages of Divinazione visit all parts of the world to hunt down the remains of the Warlocks but have not been able to discover any remains of the Warlocks. 

                    Daizo wakes up late as usual for School and gets scolded by his mother for waking up late. He eats his breakfast hurriedly and runs away for school. As he is running to school, he accidentally bumps into Fumiko, his friend from school. Both fall as they collide. Daizo gets up and sees Fumiko on the ground and says, "I am really sorry Fumiko! I was in a hurry to get to school and didn't see you." Daizo helps Fumiko get back up on her feet. Fumiko replies with a soft voice, "It's alright Daizo. Even I am in a hurry to get to school." Daizo replies, "I think we should get going then!". Daizo and Fumiko reach the school 30 minutes late. As they enter their classroom, they notice that the Spell Practicals had already begun. They had already missed the History lessons. Daizo and Fumiko head straight to Professor Yusuke who was furious with both of them. Before they could explain themselves, Professor Yusuke uses a Force spell on Daizo and hangs him on the metal hook on the door of the classroom. Daizo exclaims, "I am really sorry Professor! I woke up late and therefore I made it late to the class! I am being brutally honest Professor!" Professor Yusuke replies with anger, "Being honest isn't gonna cut it Daizo. This is the fifth time that you have been late for school!". Daizo replies with a saddened expression, "Alright but then, why aren't you punishing Fumiko?". "Fumiko had already informed me that she will be arriving late to school yesterday.", replies Yusuke. "If I tell you a day earlier than I will be arriving late to school every day, will you allow it then?", replies Daizo with a smiling face. All the students start laughing as soon as they hear Daizo say this. Yusuke gets even more furious and screams, "Shut up!". 

                    It is lunchtime. Daizo is finally let off by his friends Fusao, Bunzo, and Eiichi. Daizo says with a frustrated voice, "I hate being hung like this!". All 3 of them start laughing. Daizo looks at them with an angry face and says, "What is so funny about that huh?!". Fusao coughs a little bit because of the uncontrollable laughter and replies, "I cannot believe that the so-called 'Miracle Kid' with immense amounts of magic has a reputation being an idiot and comes late to school every day." Daizo says, "Well I cannot help it. I am extremely lazy to get up early in the morning for school. I would much rather stay at home and sleep for hours. Eiichi replies, "Well you are right but we have to learn more and more to become strong sorcerers of Divinazione!". Both Bunzo and Fusao nod their heads after hearing Eiichi. Daizo replies, "Well that is true." All 4 of them roam the hallways. Daizo suddenly stops at one of the windows and starts looking outside. Fusao says, "What's wrong, Daizo?" Daizo says, "I wish we could visit the Wizard section." Eiichi replies, "Those Wizards are just jealous of us Sorcerers just because we were born with Magia flowing through our veins since our birth. I don't even want to make friends with a Wizard in my entire life." Daizo replies, "Well I don't know how I feel about Wizards but I really want to visit the Wizard section. It is such a massive building! I really want to see what is inside it!" Daizo continues looking at the massive building of the Wizard section with a look of excitement in his eyes. Daizo and the others suddenly hear a voice from behind saying, "I could show the Miracle Kid into the Wizard section if he wishes so.". Daizo and the others get scared and turn back to see who is behind them. They turn back slowly to see none other than the Principal, The Legendary Mage, Sir Daihachi himself.

                                                                  END OF CHAPTER

Let us get familiarized with how the characters introduced in the chapter look and how their personality is and you can leave the rest up to your imagination!

Daizo - A 15-year-old with Medium-sized blonde hair and is thin. He is very lazy, Friendly and has 4 friends in school.

Fumiko - A 15-year-old with long brown hair and is thin. She is a soft-spoken girl and is extremely introverted.

Eiichi - A 15-year-old black-haired guy who is pretty fat and tall. Friendly and is determined to be a strong sorcerer, dislikes Wizards.

Fusao - A 15-year-old brown-haired guy. Friendly and a big joker.

Bunzo - A 15-year-old brown-haired guy. Wears specs and is a little nerdy.

Professor Yusuke - A 27-year-old black-haired man. Has a short temper and is a third-tier Sorcerer.


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