I tried to ask the people working there if anyone saw her but no one knew a thing.

Where are you Divya? What did they say that hurt you so much? 

I wish I never left you alone. I wanted to punch the wall near me feeling anxious about her, somehow looking at the wall reminded me of the time I found her crying on the stairs.

My feet ran to the stairs and climbed up to the top floor, and there she was sitting on the stairs with her head in her hands looking lost. I am going to kill whoever hurt her. I cannot be the reason for her pain. She doesn't deserve more than what she is already been through.

"Divya!" I called her out in the softest tone trying to calm my anger.

She lifted her head up and looked at me standing before her. Her eyes were red and puffy indicating that she cried, looking at her like that felt like someone squeezed my heart and punched me in the guts.

I beg you, god if you exist please take her pain away and give it to me. She doesn't deserve it.

"I am sorry that I left you alone. I am really sorry!" I pleaded with her and sat beside her.

"Don't apologize Andrew! You didn't do anything. The problem is me, every time I feel good about myself, my past comes back rushing to me saying that I'm not worth it."

I wish I could erase your past for you Divya. I would give everything to give you a normal life without pain in it.

"I wish I was courageous and powerful. I wish I fought and lived for myself. It looks like I was waiting for things that were never going to happen to me."

"Living for others, I lost sight of who I was. I listened, stayed, and obeyed people because I thought that was my responsibility as a daughter, as a wife. I just wanted acceptance from them Andrew! "

Let it out Divya! Share all your pain with me, I am here to listen and protect to from every pain in your life.

"I didn't realize what I was turning into until he broke the last ounce of my heart. He came into my life and took away everything I had and I wished for. I wanted to die to end all the pain but I was a big coward I couldn't even do that properly." She said with tears rolling down her eyes.

I knew that she tried to kill herself, there are small scars on her wrist. I never asked her knowing that would bring out all her pains.

"Do you know what the hardest part was? I was alone with my so-called family around me, My own parents stopped believing me, they chose to trust someone else over their own daughter. I felt betrayed, lost, and hopeless."

Humans are the strongest creatures in existence, yet here we are damaged beyond repair. Life without hope is a curse, but now she has a hope called Amar. She completely changed herself after his birth.

"It took me a year to realize and find the courage to get out. I am trying my best to forget, but sometimes I get sucked back into the vortex. I don't wanna remember my past anymore Andrew."

How much pain can one take in for loved ones? 

Everyone thinks that their life is hard but when you hear others' stories it makes you realize that your pain was nothing compared to theirs.

I didn't want her to say a word anymore, I pulled her into my arms and hugged her.

"Divya! You don't have to carry around that pain anymore, share it with me. Stop fighting alone, let me in and help you slay your demons. You are not alone anymore. " I said rubbing her back as she cried in my arms.

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