As he was talking I could feel how every single person in the room was listening to him. He has such an incredible aura that is hard to not focus on him. When he made a joke everyone laughed and when he'd go to talk about something serious you could hear a pin drop. I even saw a few people crying when he was talking about his own experiences. As he was finishing up he looked at me and went of track from the speech we had prepared together.

"And finally, I want to take a moment to talk about someone in my life who has completely turned it upside down. He has the biggest heart of gold, the most gentle soul and is the most generous caring person I know. When I invited him here tonight he didn't want to get expensive, designer suits. He wanted something cheap and cheerful. He wanted to donate the money he would've spent on a suit to the charity we are here for tonight. I followed his step and did the same thing. It's these little things he does, that probably seem so minor and nothing to him and lots of other people, that make a huge difference to another persons life. Thank you Jimin, for being the most beautiful person with a pure heart"

As the night went on I noticed just how many people knew who I was. I'm guessing Jungkook's speech helped, but some people told me they knew about me anyway. They said there has been talk about Jungkook finally having someone.

"To be honest we all thought it was a girl" one of them said to us both

"A girl? Why?" Jungkook asked with a puzzled face

"Well, the name in the articles is a girls name"

"What's the name?"

"Hannah. But obviously they were wrong, you guys are a beautiful couple. I wish you both all the best" the man smiled and walked away

"Hannah?!" I looked at Jungkook with wide eyes "why would people think you're dating Hannah?!"

"I have no idea. Come here" he whispered and pulled me outside. He got his phone out and searched for his name and Hannah's. There were articles saying how Hannah had said they are in a relationship but want to keep it very personal and closed. He then dialled Namjoon and put it on speaker.

"Hey Kook"

"Get in touch the media team. There's an issue"

"What? What's happened?"

"Hannah is telling gossip magazines that were in a relationship. It needs squashing"

"Oh shit, okay. I'm sending an email as we speak. What do you want to happen?"

"Nothing major, just get it out of the media. I can't believe her... what's she trying to gain from this?"

"Money. Look, think about it, if she sells a story she'll get money. Got to just hope she won't tell them what you did"

"She can't. She signed the contract. She knows if she tells anyone I can sue her"

"Let's hope she sticks to her word. How's Jimin finding the charity ball?" Jungkook looked at me and hinted for me to answer instead

"Hey Joon, it's good so far. People seem quite nice"

"Oh hey Jimin, that's good. Okay, the email has been sent, I'm on it"

"Thank you" he hung up the one and sighed heavily.

"Kook... why is she doing this?"

"I don't know babe. I'm sorry"

"Have you seen her lately? Has she tried contacting you at all?"

"No, nothing. Trust me, haven't heard a peep"


"You do believe me don't you...?"

"Hm? Oh, of course! Absolutely 100% believe you, I'm just thinking. Why is she doing this?"

"I don't know. We'll figure it out"

"Yeah" I smiled and nodded. I pulled him to kiss me "you did so well with your speech as well. I'm so proud of you"

"Really? Thank you" he chuckled and kissed me again "I love you"

"I love you too. Come on, I need a drink"


The next day Jungkook was in full 'what the fuck is Hannah doing' mode. He was scouring the internet for anything and everything she had said and was relaxing by the minute as he saw there was nothing too damaging. I stood behind him and kissed over his neck and shoulders, assuring him occasionally that everything will be fine. Every so often he's turn his head to kiss me properly but went straight back to his laptop.

"I'm going to go and see Hoseok for a bit okay?"

"Sure babe. Time will you be home? Want to go out for dinner tonight?"

"That's sounds nice" I nodded "your choice where. I'll be home for whenever you need me to be. You just get the reservation"

"Okay, see you later, love you"

"Love you too"



"How many weeks until we go away?"

"3 weeks" I laughed and watched him smile and agree. Every time one of us leaves he's been counting down the weeks until we go to Bora Bora, little does he know he's also counting down the days for something else. Something that will change our lives forever.

Indecent proposal (Jikook au)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon