Someone to Care For Me ~ ShoujiTsu

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Hey there! I'm here with another update! Yay~

Requested by: tylerroadtrip

Big! Tsu Little! Shouji

Summary: What if someone in Class 1-A found out that the big caring Shouji was actually a little?


       The chatter amongst the students was much softer today, final exams were over and that meant that everyone finally had time to relax. There was no training for the next few days and everyone was just ready to take a moment to breathe without needing to have a care in the world. 

        The commons area was nearly empty by the time nighttime rolled around, meaning that those who needed the extra space from their dorm room could peacefully relax on the couches in the main room. 

         That was the case for young Shouji, who happened to be currently watching his favorite cartoon on the commons TV. His room different have a TV so he felt that having the main area to himself would be a nice change for once. 

         Shouji was an age regressor who didn't necessarily need a caregiver to regress but often wanted to know what it would feel like to be taken care of. He was so used to protecting and caring for his classmates that most of them wouldn't realize how gentle and small he could actually be. 

         He wraps himself up in his blanket before gluing his eyes to the screen. He watches as the happy animals dance around in a circle and played games with one another. He giggles softly to himself as he eats a few crackers from his snack bowl that he made for himself. 

        His mind grows fuzzy as he regresses further into his headspace by mistake. He continues to watch the cartoons without a care in the world as to who would come in. If anyone asked, it would be very simple to cover up his tracks, because it was simply just a cartoon. 

         Shouji continues to eat his snacks as a hand gently touches his back making him jump in fear. He whips his face around to see Tsu smiling at him. 

         "What are you watching? Oh wait, I love that show may I join you?" She asks politely to which the boy just gives a simple nod. 

         Tsu sits next to the boy as she watches the cartoon with him. She smiles and giggles along at the funny moments int he show which brings relief to Shouji. He was worried that maybe should would take note of how weird and childish the show was. 

         After a few minutes of watching the show, Tsu turns to Shouji and gives him a smile. "So what are you doing up this late? Everyone else is back in their dorms."

         "Just wanted to watch some cartoons on the big TV." He says quietly looking away from the girl's gaze. 

         "Hmm that makes sense, I've done that a few times in the past." She says before standing up. "Aren't you tired? Maybe we should head to bed." 

         "Nuh not tired yet. You go." He says softly eating another chip from the bowl. 

         Tsu takes a look towards the clock before giving a small tilted look. 

         "Shouji it's almost past midnight, you should really get some rest. You look exhausted. The cartoon will be here tomorrow." Tsu says turning off the TV. 

         The boy whines a bit before coughing in an attempt to cover up the mistake. 

         Tsu grabs his hand and helps him stand up fully. "Here I'll even walk you to your room." 

         Shouji sighs before nodding as he followed the girl back to his dorm room. He was in fact very tired but he didn't want to admit that to her right now. 

          The two make it to his room and just as Shouji is about to go inside Tsu stops him. 

          "Shouji, would you like me to tuck you in? I don't mind doing it if it will help you sleep." The girl offers to which the boys eyes widen a bit. 

           "Why would you do that?" He asks in a gentle tone. 

           "You're a regressor right?" Tsu asks to which Shouji nearly starts crying. "But don't worry, I won't say anything. I'm a caregiver, that's the only reason why I could tell. You're very good at hiding it." 

           Shouji takes a moment trying to process everything before nodding, "Please tuck me in Tsu." 

           The girl nods following him into the room and preparing the blankets for him. Shouji lays down and Tsu begins to tuck him in tightly so he felt safe. 

          "If you ever need anything just let me know, you do so much for everyone, the least I can do is take care of you sometimes." Tsu says softly. 

          "Thank you," Shouji whispers. 

           "No problem little lily pad. Here take your stuffie, you don't want them being lonely right?"

            Shouji shakes his head holding out his arms for the plush. 

            Tsu makes her way to the door before whispering a soft 'goodnight' before exiting the room. 

             The boy just stared at the ceiling in disbelief as his eyes began to droop. 

             Even if it was in a small way, someone was now taking care of him like he had always wanted. 


This was one pretty short but I felt like this was just a good opening in case anyone wanted to see more little Shouji in the future! Heck I may even write it just because it is so cute! 

Stay safe! I love you all!

~ TeddyBumble 

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