(CH23) Memories bring happiness

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Let's get straight to the chapter as I know you're getting tired of seeing me over and over again.


Y/n had finished with his first experience of Japanese cuisine.

Y/n: The cuisine is delicious to say the least! But I kind of missing one feeling... Loneliness...

That's right... With noone to eat this with, it won't taste as good. After all, it is a saying that food tastes better with a friend or a companion.

Y/n: Hm.... Should I pack the leftovers and eat them with everyone at the building? That does sound like a good idea.

In a train of thought, Y/n rests his head on his hands and decided to eat back there.


(In the distance will be referred with "Text" for this chapter)

???: Ah... Maiko-san!

Maiko: Oho, Matsuri! Welcome! Have you come for the usual again?

Matsuri: No... I've come for something more important...

Maiko: That is?

Matsuri leans close to Maiko and whispers something Y/n could hear a little bit, but it was too indistinguishable.

Matsuri: He...high...ool...e...nd...and...met...long!

Y/n: What kind of alien languange is this?

Y/n: I should probably go now, for some reason...

Y/n adjusts his mask back into place to hide back his mouth, while packing the leftovers

Maiko: Ah I see... I will be rooting for you then Matsuri! This Y/n guy sounds very nice.

Matsuri: H-hey! Shut up! I'm just trying to meet with him again! This is a miracle for me you know?!

Maiko: Hmm... I see, I see. You're a tsundere then! Ho ho ho!

Matsuri: Gak!

Although it was not true, Matsuri hid away in embarassment due to the people watching them. Standing out the most is a tall man, sporting an all black outfit, fitted with a medical mask, and curly hair.

Matsuri: Hey wait... That's him!

Maiko: What are you waiting for?! This is your chance! Got get him girl!

Matsuri: Eh? Okay! I have no idea what you mean by that, other than that... Hopefully he remembers me!

Matsuri thinks to herself as she approaches the man as he gets out the restaurant and heads back to the Hololive building.

Y/n: A break huh. Yagoo, you're not really making me do anything! I'm fine! C'mon I'm bored! Can I atleast cook for them for the time being?! Ugh. This sucks. Having to do nothing in what was it again... A day? I forgot already...

So I do have a memory of a goldfish...

Y/n: Ah... When did all those years pass by so quickly? I wonder how she's doing right now. Probably the best.


???: Geez Y/n you're so smart can you atleast help me?

(VOL1) How did I end up in this situation!? (Youtuber male reader x Hololive)Where stories live. Discover now