Part 33 - Seductive Opportunity

Start from the beginning

Ant's eyes glazed over as my speech trailed to it's end. 

"I fly back home tomorrow, Paige. I got the call whilst you were in with Lorres." For once he avoided my gaze and looked down, his voice oddly despondent. I struggled to swallow.

"Tomorrow? Well, that's... so they called you back?" My mind raced a little as I contemplated this latest news. Did it change anything? It shouldn't have, but then why did I feel a so much more apprehensive? 

Ant jutted his chin in the air to nod in the direction of the offices we'd been holed up in all day. "They don't want me here." 

"You really think they-"

"I knew sooner or later I'd get that phone call, maybe in a few days, and I'd have rest time to use which they probably would have allowed me to take straight away but... I've been called back immediately to debrief." 

"You would have used your vacation time to stay here? Why?" I looked directly at Ant as he tapped his fingertips lightly on the counter.

"Because I... promised to protect you," Ant glanced up for a moment. He stated it so matter-of-factly, but there was a vulnerability there I hadn't seen before. "And I wasn't able to totally fulfil that. Besides, San Diego is a nice city. I can think of worse places to spend my down time. Salisbury for one," he smiled. 

"I've never been," I smiled back sadly. 

"It's hard, adjusting to normality after living through... shit. Really hard. And it would probably be much harder for you, my rest periods are always with the knowledge that I only have a couple of months before I'm back where everything makes sense. So, I get it. But I'm not convinced it's safe, have you-" 

"I had the lawyer look through their contract, he says it's solid. And I made sure I have immunity." I went through the mental list of all the justifications telling me to take their offer. Two minutes ago I was certain of the decision, and now, for whatever reason, it didn't seem like such a simple choice. 

"Did they talk to you about protection? You'll be on the IS radar now, they could declare a Fatwa. You should have security," Ant opened the fridge to retrieve milk for the abandoned mugs of tea. 

"You know a Fatwa doesn't necessarily mean-" 

"Yes, I know. I'm using the western definition. But still, you should talk to them about that. I'll talk to them about it first thing in the morning, in fact I'll..." he picked up his mug and slid a phone from his pocket. "I'm going to make a call, you should have a shower, stick the TV on and get some rest." 

I wondered if it was difficult for Ant and all others in his line of work not to give orders. It seemed to come so naturally to him whether it was mission control on operation or Paige's evening relaxation schedule. He was right though, but I was tired and wanted the privacy of my room. 

"Ant, would you mind if I put the TV in my room, just until I fall asleep?" I called through the apartment after him, he stalked off so quickly.  

"I'll carry it, just a sec," he boomed back, his muffled voice continuing on what I assumed was a phone call strategising a meeting on security detail or something similar. 

With the TV set up in the bedroom I climbed into the high bed, grateful for the background noise of stupid teleshopping and infomercials to lull me to sleep. 

"... but I'm sure you can't miss it. Because this necklace, you can probably see from outer space. I'm sure there's astronauts right now, zipping around the world or entering our atmosphere, they can probably see this necklace Robert, it's incredible, and we have the lowest price we've ever offered. It's all abalone, which is an all natural, organic gemstone. Look at the shells, you get this beautiful gift of nature, it's nearly three inches top to bottom, it's got the scroll work, it's got this fabulous backing with that wonderful amount of durability, stability-"

My eyes jolted open, the artificial hue of stark blue strobes from the TV illuminating the otherwise blackened room. I winced back from the glare. 

"... it really is when you consider you're getting yours today over fifty percent off of the regular price-" 

The room plunged into darkness with the touch of a button. I tossed the remote to the bedside table, my ears rang slightly from the hasty wake up. It was 1am, late enough for Ant to be in bed. I slipped on PJ shorts, picked up the near empty glass of water from the dresser and silently opened the door.

"I'm guessing I'll be about a week... ten days, give or take." 

Ant's voice rang softly through the little hallway that led to my bedroom. Damn, I thought he would be asleep by now. He was probably deep in logistical calls for his impending return home. I tucked my hair behind my ears and cleared my throat a little, just so he was aware I was approaching. I didn't want a man to be caught off guard when he thought he was alone, what if he was in his boxers, or a towel, or had been watching porn? 

I turned the corner of the hallway into the open plan living area, and halted in a sudden stupor. My consciousness only reignited when something cold splashed my ankle. 

"Paige," Ant's voice was low and level as he stood abruptly. "Its okay, I called him over. I thought you were asleep, I'm sorry," he offered in placation, holding both hands up in front of him as though he was appeasing a feral animal. I stepped back instinctively, a sharp pain piercing my foot. I looked down quickly in confusion, I'd dropped the glass and it had shattered against the tiles, a shard now stuck in my arch judging from the thin slug of blood seeping on to the floor.

"Paige, listen to me- I'm not here to hurt you..." 

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