"I wanna know who it is."

"You really wanna know?"

I nodded.

"Fine." Matt cleared his throat and gave into my demands, being my advisor and all. "So, when I was a little kid, my dad used to tell me a story about a boy. Apparently Lord Hughes had or has a son. You know that?"

"Yeah. It's why he left... right?"

Matt paused and hesitated before continuing his story. He completely ignored my previous question. "Going on… Lord Hughes's son was born four hours after you."

"No way." I swayed my head from side to side in disbelief. "That's impossible."

"Impossible. Everyone else in Star City at the time would've agreed with you too."

"But... you said this story was a myth."

He bit his lower lip and peered off to the side. "Well, I'm not exactly sure anymore…" He mentally returned to the conversation and put his hand up. "Let me continue, Jerome."


Matt cleared his throat again. "So this kid was supposed to be in my position…"

"Lord Hughes's son was supposed to be my royal advisor?"

He groaned before replying to my inquiry. "Uh huh. But when kid Hughes disappeared, I replaced him since my dad was the second closest to the King."



"Don't get mad at me…" I whispered, "Go on…"

Sighing, Matt continued, "Well, he was at your crowning ceremony, you know, the ones the princes and princesses have when they're born, and your dad and Lord Hughes decided to put you guys in your cribs."

"I was there too?"

"Yeah, but apparently no one told you about him."

"Why not?"

By that time, Matt leaned his elbow on my shoulder. "I have no clue Jerome. Please for Notch's sake stop interrupting."

"Sorry… go on."

"When you were in your cribs, someone snuck in and tried to kidnap you."


"But they got Lord Hughes's son instead. Less damage in the long run I suppose." Matt seemed relieved, but I blew up.

"Less damage?! This boy was supposed to be my best friend and they let him get captured?!"

Matt stopped me before I got out-of-hand. "And 20 years later, no one has seen or heard from him. As far as I know, he's either long gone from Star City or been here the entire time in hiding."

Off in the distance, I spotted Mitch arguing with another young man. This other man was much taller than Mitch, and seemed like he had a very strong influence.

"What was his name?" I questioned.

"I don't remember. You could probably ask my dad. He'd know."

"Wait a minute…" I turned towards Matt, wide eyed.

"Is there something wrong…?"

I cupped my hands around my nose and mouth. "Yes there is! Kidnapped… 20 years ago… locked in an attic… It's not just a coincidence!"

"Wait… how does being locked in an attic have anything to do with this…?"

I took my hands off my face. "Mitch McNulty! He has the same birthday as me, he's 20 years old today… he's been locked away for his whole life, never experienced reality… stuck inside a life he doesn't want… Matt! Mitch McNulty is Mitchell Hughes!"

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