Start of a Revolution

Start from the beginning

"My friends," I shouted loud enough for everyone in my team to hear, "Tonight is the night!" There was no applause as to not draw attention to ourselves. "When the gala begins and Alia gives you the signal, we sneak in from all directions and blend in with the party guests. And when the time is right, and I get the feeling the King has been weakened, we pounce and destroy. Hear me! We kill everyone in sight except for the royals! That means… everyone dies except that heartless King, the careless Queen, the ignorant Prince, and the drop-dead-wealthy members of their royal court."

"Why do we not kill the King?" One recruit interrupted.

"Brave soldier, the King will sign our deed! Remember, the one contract we created to steal his land? Tonight, the castle and every bit of this kingdom you can see from the top of that tower…" I pointed towards the tallest tower of the Aceti castle. "Every bit of this kingdom will belong to me…" I stopped myself and hesitantly continued with an answer my recruits would favor. "Us!" Ultimately Star City would be all mine, but just for the attack, I needed everyone on my side rather than the King. "Whoever I recruited to be lookout, go with Alia. Everyone else, grab your masks and follow me. We circle the castle and enter from every side. You can climb the walls and enter from above. Remember, when Alia gives the signal, you complete your jobs without delay. Whatever you do… Getting caught is not an option. Or you'll never see the light of day again." I sighed, remembering how my parents were caught trying to complete a mission. Their deaths would haunt me the rest of my life, but I focused more on my future rather than the events in the past. "If you're not ready to join us for this mission, then leave." All of my recruits stood still, faces blank. If someone attempted to leave, I would shoot them dead with my enchanted bow. I couldn't have a runaway try to reveal my plans to the royals. "That's what I thought." I paused for another moment before leaping off the platform. "Move out."

Alia gathered a small troop of recruits who he perceived as the best spies and separated them from the rest. Meanwhile, I lead the majority of the recruits towards the castle. Our footsteps matched in speed and power as we approached the chain gate that segregated me from becoming King of Star City.

I motioned for the parkourists to climb the walls. These four young men were experts at the trade and could stealthily climb everything from entangled ropes to the most complex jungle trees. Everyone else found entrances around the premise and disguised themselves as other masked guests. Only six recruits followed my lead towards the main entrance. I noticed royal court members dressed in elegant hooded robes as they stood outside in the rain, waiting in line to get in.

As I approached the guard standing between me and the lights of the gala, he glanced down at a paper with a list of names. He then looked up and regarded my bat-shaped mask. "May I have your name, sir?"

I tried to think of a quick replacement name, but my real one came out instead. "McNulty." Although very few royals knew me, I held in my breath, worrying about the rest of my plan if I couldn't get into the party.

The guard mumbled to himself before responding with a nod. "You're on the list. Must have a good connection with the prince then since you're not a royal." He handed me a paper with Mitch's name on it. As I took the paper, I stared at it, wondering how Mitch secured a spot as a royal guest.

I stepped into the glimmering ballroom, still holding onto the paper. How could Mitch have gotten into the party? He didn't know anyone in the royal court! I wouldn't have allowed him to! Was there a reason why he refused to go to the gala when Natalie brought it up? Did he know the secrets about his origin? Well, to my advantage, Mitch was locked up in the attic, so I didn't have to worry anyways.

"Never trust the royalty."

When I was only two, my parents brought home a small child. It was a boy they name Mitch, they told me. He was to be my brother. They told me the boy wasn't actually my brother, but I was to act like he was around him and others who question me. In case of emergency, I was not to let him out of the house. The baby's name was Mitch, and he was to remain with us until the Aceti dynasty ended. Then, when I was six, I asked my parents about where my brother was from. They told me the entire truth: how my father kidnapped the son of one of the King's men instead of the prince, and that Mitch was to work as a servant in the McNulty house as long as he lives. I was to look upon him the way the royals treated their personal servants, who were poor townspeople, as if I were to be King one day. From that day on, Mitch became my personal servant. At only four years old, the young boy in rags knelt at my polished shoes whenever I called for him.

With my father's help, I created an image for myself. I grew up and out. Where I lacked in book-smart intelligence, I made up for strength, passion, and skill. Underprivileged commoners saw me as a hero, and relied on me to solve their problems. I undertook their pleads and vowed to them to destroy the royalty as a way of paying back the people who deserve better. In reality, I vowed to myself to get rid of the royal court before taking over as King myself and ruling Star City with an iron fist. No one would rebel, since I would be the most powerful force in Minecraftia.

The ballroom was massive and a room I always imagined of owning. It was magnificently expansive, with refreshments and food on one side, a large dance floor with dark colored wood for the waltz. But, the first thing that popped into your mind as you walk in the door was the elegant polished stone staircase which lead to a platform with two royal thrones and several wooden doors on each side of the platform. King Jason sat in the bigger chair and his wife sat in the smaller one. The prince was nowhere to be found. While some court members chatted amongst themselves, the intricate costumes of other court members glistened as they spun around on the dance floor. My costume wasn't much, but it was enough for Lady Natalie to recognize.

"Ryan!" Natalie's voice rang in my ears. I spotted the pretty lady wearing a mask that went well with her blue eyes and pink hair. She wore an over-the-top long sparkling golden dress with a large ring skirt, long sleeves, golden earrings hanging from her lobes, and small golden heels with bronze hearts attached to each shoe. She had no impression on me, since I wasn't interested in romance. But wooing a lady of the Aceti royal court was one of my tasks as leader of the revolution, so I took her attraction to me as an upper hand. "I'm so glad you could come! I almost thought you and your brother…!" On instinct, I twirled Natalie around on her heel, leaned the young woman parallel to the floor, and leaned in to kiss her as if I meant it. After the kiss, she stood with her hands on her hips, exhausted. "You took me for quite a surprise there, Ryan." Natalie turned her head to find the other single ladies giggling, and then looked again towards my face, which was silhouetted by the mask.

"Would you like to join me in a dance?" I asked, bowing and stretching my right arm for her to take. Natalie curtsied and grasped my open hand as I lead her to where the other party guests gracefully danced to classical music.

While I moved around the floor with Natalie's petite arm in mine, I caught a glimpse of Mitch who stood near the door, his body pushing against another force in uneasiness. His mouth was clasped by the hand of an upset guard as he was roughly pushed back onto a surface. The other guests at the entrance ignored this occurrence. They continued circulating inside without a worry in the world while Mitch suffered, as he should've. After all, he escaped from the attic and left the house without my permission, which was against our rules. I smirked, realizing that he wouldn't get in my way anytime soon. But, I would deal with Mitch later and thank him for putting my plan into action.

As the only member of the revolution inside the gala so far, I motioned a single nod to Alia. Alia peeked in from the roof and signaled the other sixty-eight members to begin the mission.

Yet another sneaky move from Ryan! He's pulling all of those tricks out of the bag, isn't he?!

And what about Mitch?! Why is he up against a wall with a hand to his mouth?! This is not a good thing.

You'll find out what happens in next chapter! Just wait until Wednesday. Yes, that's right. Wednesday. I've officially changed the schedule so it's once every other day. Back to the norm. That's the way I posted Living on a Few Memories as well. Oh those good times. Good time

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