Meet Johnny

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Johnny stood in the hospital carpark surrounded by people he no longer saw as family.

"We love you, Grandad." The three grandchildren chimed together.

Johnny knelt down in front of the children, he didn't understand why the children were calling him granddad "It'll be alright, children." He hugged them "I'm doing this to keep this country safe and for the three of you to have a better future" he spoke as he pulled out of the hug.

Lauren: his fifteen-year-old pregnant granddaughter found her words "I promise you let you know this little one is born; I'll bring the baby to see you."

"Oh, my child." Johnathon placed his hands gently on her cheek "Keep your baby safe. Love them. Raise them in a world you'd want them to be part off." He smiled a little "I'd be glad to see photos" He kissed her cheek before rising to his feet.

"Dad, we'll visit you." Catherine sadly spoke.

Johnny turned to looked at Catherine "Shirley, my dear." He watched as tears ran down Catherine's cheeks "I just want you to be safe. I'm fighting to keep this place safe for future generations" He wiped the tears from her cheeks "Just write. I promise I'll send one back."

Michael saluted Johnny; he was the only one playing along with the way Johnny's mind had turned. "Good luck, Sir."

Johnny saluted back "Thank you"

Catherine lead her father inside Saint Pinnington Mental Institution. They stopped at the nurse desk.

"Hi" Catherine nervously spoke.

The red head woman looked up from the form she was filling out "Afternoon" she smiled.

"Ma'am" Johnny saluted her.

"Sir" The nurse nodded her head.

"This is my father, Johnathon P Walter. I rang about him yesterday."

The red head nurse searched through a pile of notes "Oh yes" she pulled out a sheet and laid it on top of the computer keys "I just need you to fill out a form than we can take charge of him." She grabbed a clipboard with a form and a pen, she handed it to Catherine.

Catherine smiled slightly as she held onto the clipboard, she couldn't believe she was admitting her father to a mental institution, but she wasn't where else to put him. They didn't have the luxury of being able to afford a retirement home and knew they couldn't look after him when the baby arrived. "Dad?" She looked up at her father.

Johnny was entranced by the nurse "May I ask your name?"

"Nurse Rozetta." She responded.

"My regiment and I thank you and the fellow medics for tending to us during our service. We wouldn't have made it home without the help of all you."

Nurse Rozetta wasn't exactly sure how to react "Thank you" She smiled softly. She turned her attention to Catherine who looked like she was struggling to fill out the form. "Would you like some help?"

Johnny looked at Catherine "Love, it'll be okay." He squeezed her hand.

Catherine looked at their hands, she tearfully looked up at her father "Dad?"

Johnny stared at her "Sorry, who are you?" he pulled his hand away from her's.

Catherine closed her eyes as she tried to hold back tears, she reopened her eyes and attempted to fill out the form as best as she could.

Johnny took a seat as he listened to the silence in the hospital.

Catherine pushed the clipboard and pen towards Nurse Rozetta.

Nurse Rozetta looked down at the completed form. "it never gets easy." She placed the form down on the desk "We'll keep you updated as best as we can. Do you know the visiting hours?"

Catherine nodded.

"Would you like to show him his room with me?"

Catherine shook her head.

Nurse Rozetta nodded slightly "Does he have any personal belongings that may help him remember you?"

Catherine turned her attention to her father who was starting to walk towards the doors "He didn't want to bring anything." Her lower lip trembled.

"Johnathon?" Nurse Rozetta called out.

Johnny turned around "Ma'am?"

"Would you like to follow me?" Nurse Rozetta asked.

Johnny looked at the two women, he walked back to the desk.

"Am I allowed to hug you goodbye?" Catherine asked her father.

"I'd like that" Johnny allowed himself to hug Catherine, she was afraid to let go of her father.

Nurse Rozetta watched as Johnny pulled out of Catherine's arms.

"I love you, turtle." Johnny tapped Catherine on the nose.

Catherine couldn't hold back her tears anymore as her father called her by a pet name she grew up with "I love you, Dad."

Johnny looked at Nurse Rozetta "Can we get that ice cream now?"

Nurse Rozetta nodded slightly "Just say goodbye and I'll bring you inside."

Johnny looked at Catherine again "Bye, lady." He waved to Catherine as Nurse Rozetta pushed open a door for Johnny to come through.

Nurse Rozetta looked at Catherine "Everything will be okay."

Catherine tried to find hope in Nurse Rozetta's words as she watched her father and the nurse walk out of view. 

From the Inside (2021 - Version 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu