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aryan and vansh were seated near pool side dipping their legs inside the water . But no one dared to speak anything both were engrossed in their own thoughts mean time angrey came there seen them sitting there he wanted to move away silently but aryan saw him

A: angrey have you found that how the fire spread in her room?

AN; no aryan it seems like a accident those candles which were placed in her room lit up those curtains

A:oh okay do inform servants not to keep any sort of flammable objects in her room

An: i will i think i should go you may talk

A: have a seat angrey how ever bhai will say everything to you afterwards so no problem you can also listen there is nothing confidential

vansh signalized angrey to sit with them

V:now start aryan why is behaving like this and i have always seen her in fierce and bold chirpy bubbly girl then

A: bhai she never shows her pain to anybody as far as i know she lost her whole family in front of her eyes she never talks about that to anyone neither she nor sejal . when ever we try to ask her she always changed the topic saying that she doesn't want to discuss about it even i tried to ask sejal she said that she too doesn't know fully what and how this happened to her she only remembers that ri was the one who saved her life after that she fainted when she opened her eyes she was in orphanage in mumbai

V: means sejal knows who are ridhima's parents are and according to her she was not in mumbai but where were they from before

A: bhai do you remember there was a case registered on bade papa that he was doing illegal activities in orphanage like illegal testing of medicines and when the inspection team came to inspect the whole orphanage was burned including the orphans and the case was shut saying that it was happened due to short circuit

V: yes but why are you taking about him now you know it hate him he has killed many innocents and because of him we have suffered a lot is this not enough

A: enough bhai i have said this many times and now also i am saying this he never has killed any innocent nor had any illegal businesses he was framed why can't you understand that he is your father for god sake whom you used love a lot

V: but proofs says he was the one

A;bhai proofs can be tampered

V: why you have immerse trust in him

A:because i know he can't do anything like who always loved his friends children as his own who has always gave more importance to his friendship than his family how can you even think that he will kill them have ever even tried to find the truth you always think the truth what is shown to you but do you know there are many things which are hidden from you no right have ever tried to know why he has done like that no you haven't this is your problem because of this you have never able to see the person who is actually deceiving you and you is helping you because of this you trusted ragini and were ready to marry her but it after her departure only u got to know her real truth i have warned you thousand times before engaging to her but you have believed that outsider more than your brother who was with you from childhood

V: i admit that i was wrong i believed ragini more than you i am sorry i know i have hurt you a lot

A: now by asking sorry you can't change anything you have always treated be as an immature child even you have ignored ishani's mistakes by saying that she is child for god sake we are grown up you never spent time with family with us you just thought that by giving money and costly things and we will be happy after departure of bade papa dad and you were totally into business and never got time for us do you know how lonely i felt mom never cared ishani was in her world parties pubs dadi was always looking after you and siya but where am i in this whole i was never mattered to anyone of you that's when ri and sejal came into my life they made my life full of happiness again i was feeling like i was wanted again and then shashank dada and his family came to india and they gave me the love i craved for

AR: but you haven't said how is ridhima related to ajay sir

a: sighs she and sejal were part of that orphanage which was burnt they were the only survivers from that incident now i think so you got to know how she is facing this trauma she has seen many people burning in that fire she was able to save sejal but not others sejal doesn't remember about that incident as she was drugged then but ridhima was in her senses she witnessed her friends burning in that incident more than this i don't know anything she never opened up about this incident to me nor to sejal only she knows what happened that night and we never forced her to do so

AR: does she who is behind this incident does she hates raisinghania's for that as all proofs are against ajay sir

A: i don't know that she knows or not but she never hated raisinghania's and i know what you guys are thinking that she may came here for revenge means it is absolutely rubbish you are thinking she came here on your insistance bhai don't even think of this she is already suffering and it's a warning bhai i am very possessive about her if you try to harm then you have to face me i know behind this marriage proposal there is your self motto but what ever you do don't triger her past because now you have seen her condition her health is very sensitive so please it is a request don't drag her in your stupid games

saying so he stood and started going away

A: a free advise bhai if you are really capable then try to catch the real culprit bhai and i want to say that you are giving shelter to a snake you is ready to bite you be careful because if i say that person's name also you will never gonna believe me because for you i am always an outsider so better you yourself find that deceiver but never ever think ridhima or sejal are deceivers they might hide something from us that is their majboori before acussing them for their hidden secrets think once we are also not like clear see through glass to them try to give them their space in their personal life shab kuch app ko batane ki jaroorat nahi he unhe i wish you will understand aur ridhima aj app ke kamre mai hi rahegi mai sejal ko apne kamre mai le ja raha hu agar use hosh ayega tho use uske medicines aur kahana dedena

saying so he went to take sejal with him and left ridhima under care of vansh that he know to care for others espacially for ridhima . here vansh was drowning in guilt that he never tried to understand aryan and never gave time to family

AN; boss i think you have to take rest to tomorrow is your marriage

V:angrey try to find out who aryan is referring to and bring the case details of my father also

A; yes boss you go boss ridhima might get up anytime she needs you by her side and we even got anupriya mam's and acp kabir's call list you can have a look at it tomorrow sir

V: angrey after sometime mail those to me i will have a look at it

saying so he went away to his room to see ridhima sleeping peacefully

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