Tenth Night: Decided

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The pack is all here at Derek's loft. Time is 4:07pm. We are all sitting down while worriedly thinking. Stiles haven't been contacting any of us for one week. He didn't even open his room for us when we are visiting him. His father told us that he saw Stiles crying one week ago when he got home. He didn't even open his door for his father. And I will gonna punch this shit beside me. Derek told me everything. From him couldn't stop himself from fucking Stiles until Stiles vanished beside him and that Peter is the last person he is with. I know this shit did something bad to Stiles. Everyone is fucking worried about Stiles. Even the kids missing him so much, especially Liam and Mason. They are always convincing us to visit Stiles at their home, if it weren't for them we wouldn't have noticed that it's already so long since we last talked to Stiles.

None of us intended to speak. We are all just quiet, thinking how we will get Stiles out of his room. The kids are the most active about this. They are all writing their ideas down to the paper and pen in front of them. Well, me.. I don't have any idea how will I throw him out of his room. Instead here I am, thinking how will I murder my own father. I mean I did it to my mother. And I will kill him next.

My thoughts of killing Peter interrupted with a call from my phone above the table in front of us. I quickly saw Sheriff's name on the screen. I'm about to answer it but Scott and Peter besides me about to took it instead but I already stop them with my murderous voice.

"That's my phone."

They both retreat their arms extending and put it down to their respective laps. I took my phone and quickly answer the call.

"Hello, Noah?"

I heard him heavily deep sighed on the other line. I frowned as I heard a metal clanking, keys.

"Malia. Stiles will get mad about this. But I'm doing it anyway. I'm getting very worried. I can't take it any longer. I will enter at his room. But I'm getting nervous. As if I would kill anyone who make my son look miserable."

I look at Peter intently with my murderous eyes. I heard his heart start beating fast.

"What's the plan?" I ask sternly still looking at Peter.

"Come here. Take Scott with you. I will try talk to him first."

"We're on our way."

"Thank you, Malia."

He ended the call. I stand up right away after the call just ended and put the phone inside my pocket.

"Can we go to?" Liam ask actively and innocently making me look at him a bit irritated.

"You heard Stiles' father, right? Only Scott and I will have to go. You have not heard your name mentioned. So everyone else will stay here and wait for us. Ah. No. Don't wait for us. I may not be able to hold back and I might kill someone later."

I look at them all intently before my cold eyes locked up to Peter. Maybe I'll get an idea on how will I kill him after I saw Stiles.




I frowned as I felt someone's shaking my at my shoulder carefully.

"Stiles, son."

I heard dad called me making me sit up straight. My eyes widened as I saw the door open behind dad.

"Dad, what are you doing here?! I don't want you to see me like this!" I panic with my sore voice. I quickly hide my face through my hands.

"I actually fire a gun earlier when I found you looking like this. You just didn't heard it because you are sleeping like a rock." he said plainly trying to jut a joke making me take a peek at him. I saw how worried he look making me feel so guilty. I slowly put down my hands on my lap.

Pharzuph Possessed Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now