Third Night: Gratitude

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I lock the doors of our house first, making sure that no one can break in before I get to my jeep. I put down the paper bag first at the back seat, with Derek's fully washed clothes inside it. It's already 8 in the evening. I got home this 9 o'clock in the morning from Derek's loft, just to wash Derek's clothes that I borrowed, as well as my body of course and, again for the nth time, sleep again for another whole day. I just got woken up now, I took bath again because I look really messy when I woken up just earlier. I'm going to Derek's to return his newly washed clothes. Well, dad will come back home from his job 11 in the evening. So until it's still early, I want this clothes to return already.

I'm about to start my vehicle when my phone vibrate in my pant's pocket so I just put the key in first before answering the call from Scott.

"Yeah, Scotty?"

"Stiles, Malia order me to give you a call. She wanted to talk to you. Could you come here for a moment?"

"Oh? Yeah, sure! Good timing!" I chuckle myself and start already the engine.

"What? Why? Are you planning on going here already?"

I snort playfully, "No! Well, now that you call me to go there, yeah! Absolutely!"

"Oh. Are you going somewhere? Do you have any plans right now?"

"I already told you earlier! You, dumbass. Always swimming on the cloud!" I dramatically rolled my eyes in irritation.

"You did tell me? Sorry?"

"I'm going to Derek. Gonna return his clothes, remember now? But I'll be right there!"

I end the call already and start the engine of my jeep. I start driving towards Scott's house. I got kinda nervous for what Malia going to say in the middle of the road. I arrived in front of their house after a minutes. I just set my up foot in front of their entrance door and open it, when Malia already open it making me shocked to death.

"Upstairs." she said plainly making me frown in confusion of what is she being hype up about. I just shrugged at her and go inside Scott's house already. I climb up upstairs, straight away to Scott's room. Found him on the ground, fully focused on what is he playing on his new PlayStation set he just got 2 months ago. Malia really spoiled him to his core. Well, Scott's just like a kid. Really. I climb up towards Scott's bed and wait for Malia to sit after me.

"Why did you call me here?" I start as she cross her arms in front of her chest after she sat down in front of me. I frown nervously and confused.

"It's about Peter." she said plainly, not minding Scott behind her. My eyes completely widened.

"Wha– Malia! Scott's here!" I exclaimed frantically which she just shrugged and slightly shook her head with her hands slightly wave in front of me.

"Don't mind him. He hears nothing."

"Yeah. I hear nothing!" Scott agreed plainly, still focused on the screen. I tilt my head a bit and eyed her unbelievably. I sighed heavily in defeat as she didn't even react.

"Fine. What's about him?"

"I'll start with.. I definitely smelled the sensual tension between you and him. Since we all got back to the loft. The loft smelled fully erotic!"

"It's really strong." Scott agreed making me to look at him unbelievably. He told he doesn't hear anything!

"I mean it seems like someone do fuck in there! But no trace of semen. What– what happened to the two of you? I mean did you–" I immediately cut her off because her mouth are being so vulgar.

Pharzuph Possessed Stiles StilinskiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora