Chapter 5: Shopping, Dinner and Drinks, OH MY!

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  As I looked around my closet trying something to find, I thought of a thousand different ways to cancel on Kim. I found a plain, but nice black top and put it on. It's a new purchase made in the last week with my paycheck as I slowly tried to advance in the quality of my life. I run to the bathroom and dabbed a little makeup on and grab my phone, anxiously awaiting Kim's call of arrival.

It came sooner than expected and I hopped down the stairs and into the back of a taxi to find Kim dolled up to the nines. 

"Wow, Kim, you look amazing."

"Why thankyou, now to downtown please?" She said to the taxi driver. "We need to do some shopping, correct? " she gave me a quick look over, takinging in the details of my outfit. Next to her I looked downright boring.

"Yup" I say with an anxious smile. It had been so long since I've had a friend of my own. Kim had promised to introduce me to some of her friends this evening and even invited a few for dinner before we all meet up at the club. Kim filled the car ride with her usual light hearted chatter and gossiped about those I still haven't met. When we pulled up I noticed that it was a very elaborate shopping center. One my wallet deffinetly won't appreciate.

"Uh, Kim,  I don't know about this..." I step out of the car hesitantly, my eyes popping out of my skull with fear.

"No, we're doing this" Kim insisted, linking my arm to hers.

"I guess, what the hell." I give up my mental gymnastics  of why I dmshiuldnt be doing this and went  inside. It wouldn't hurt to spoil myself with one nice dress.

Inside, the racks are lined with gorgeous mini skirts and elaborate tops. To the side are some scandalous shorts, beautiful dresses, and exquisite jewelry pieces. I automatically see a dress I love . It's red with a deep V neck and small sequins lining the sleeves . I'm drawn to the sexy, yet subtle design. I walk over and run my hand over it before taking the hanger off the rack.

"Kim..." I called, getting her attention from the racks with the glitzy tops.

"Oh my...yes. Thats the one.. Miss?? " she calls an attendant over who sees me to a roomy dressing room. I undress quickly, thankful that I had the correct bra on even though I only owned two. I shimmied myself into the dress and turn into the mirror. I gasp as I almost don't recognize myself. My dark red hair faded out set against the color of the small sequins looked exquisit. The bright red fabric brinting out my porcelain skin tones. I step out of the dressing room to see Kim light up and , for once, have no words to say.  I'm about to slip back into the dressing room when she finds herself.

"No, you are wearing that out of here! " she exclaims. The attendant comes over and with a confirming smile snips the tag off the dress and heads to the register. I walk back into the dressing room to grab my regular clothing and throw on my classic black heels and walk up to the register.

"Here you are, miss"  the clerk says as she hands me a receipt and a bad for the clothes that I wore into the store

"But I didn't pay..."

"It's been taken care of, Miss" the clerk exclaimed and,confused,I turn to Kim accusingly.

"Don't look at me" she says with a grin, holding her own shopping bag full of purchases. "I didn't do it." She holds her hands up.

Still contemplating what happened and completley confused, we leave the store and walk down a block to an expensive looking restaurant. My wallet groans in fear before I remind myself that I can definetly afford dinner and a drink thanks to my mysterious shopper. We walk up to the hostess who seats us at a private outdoor dinning table.

"Um...are we expecting this many people " I ask, looking around at the thirteen left over chairs as Kim and I sit.

"Could be more, could be less" she shrugs in a smile,"I confess, I called a lot of people"

The waitress bring us a tray of waters and people I don't know start to arrive and fill in the seats. Kim greats every single one with a hug, bow or kiss. I don't know if I've ever had this many friends of my own and I stare at Kim in awe as she is clearly in her social element.

Appetizers start to arrive as well as a few bottles of wine. I  quickly take a glass of red for myself and sip it quietly, watching Kim interact with her people.

"Oh my god, I did not think you would come" Kim suddenly shouts sunning up to greet someone...

I turn in my chair to see none other than Yoongi. Dresses in a white button up shirt and black leather pants paired with a striped jacket and shades. He grins at the crowd and, after akowlaginf Kim with an eager hand shake,  looks around. Spotting me, I swear I saw his eyebrows raise beneath his glasses, he grins and walks over .

  "This seat taken?" Gesturing to the chair next to me.

"Oh , uh, no..." I studder.

He sits down and casually crosses his legs. We sit in awkward silence for a moment before I get the liquid  courage to speak up.

"Um, so what bring you here?" I ask, trying to make casual conversation, however awkwardly. 

"Well, as you can see, some of the staff is here" he gesturesto a few recognizable faces. "Kim extended to invitation to anyone  at the company who wanted to join"

"Oh!"I replied, shocked. "It doesn't really seem like your thing..."

"Not really" he agreed with a cautious smile "but I wanted a break and it seemed like... fun..." his smile faded as we watched one of Kim's friend knock back an entire glass of wine with one gulp.

We look back at eachother and laughed.  I reached over to grab a few appetizers to put on my plate before they dissapered amongst the crowd and Yoongi ordered a glass of whiskey. It arrived quickly and he sipped and occasionally nibbled off my plate.

"Okay, so we are friends now, just to clarify" I ask , the wine was really starting to build my confidence.

" I guess we are" he smirks back. Sipping his whiskey, he looks me straight in the eyes. "You look beautiful tonight."

I about choked on the calamari I had been eating at that moment. My eyes widened and my heart started to race.
"Thank you" I squeak through a mouthful of food. I quickly sip a glass of my wine and cleared my throat while trying my best to make eye contact.

"You, too...I mean you look... you look beautiful, too" I say, lost for words.

He met my gaze before he erupted into laughter, a gummy smile forming,  and started to stand up.

"Come on" he said, holding out a hand to help me up.

"Why?" I asked, taking his hand as I stood,  not understanding what was happening.

"Looks like we're all leaving" he gestures to the near empty table with his free hand. He let my hand go when I steadied myself on my feet. I nodded at the observation, gripped my small purse and walked out of the returant.

The guests, led by Kim, walked out of the restaurant, down another block until we arrived at a very loud, thumping night club. The usher removed a velvet rope tying off the entrance to let Kim and the group in. Yoongi placed a hand on the small of my back to guide me inside the flashing room of alcohol, music, and people.

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