Chapter 2 : The Apartment

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" Here is your key," the manager said as she dropped the single key into my hand. Apartment number 7, top floor with an ideal view of the cherry blossom trees. At least, ideal in the spring. Now it was just a leafless tree.

" Thank you" I said as I unlocked the door and stepped inside. The one bedroom, one bathroom apartment was empty except for me and my backpack. I went to the middle of the floor and pulled out my lap top to check the news again, still nothing. I closed the screen and took a look around at my new home. My new life.

I had met Mark, a property lawyer , four years ago at a work Christmas party. I was the new receptionist, just graduated from beauty school with big dreams of being a world famous makeup artist. He had looked me up and down as he walked over to me and handed me a glass of white wine with the confidence someone who had succeeded his entire life.

" Soya, right? You're new here..." he smiled down at me. " You having a good time tonight?"

"I am, thank you. Yes, I'm the new girl. How long have you been working for the firm ?"

"Long enough..." he replied with a smirk.

We left the part early that night. Staying at his place on the weekends, tuned into me moving in, which turned into an engagement within 6 months. We were married 2 months later. Eloped in the couthouse with a big party following, inviting the entire firm and our families. Both of our families were small by both of is being only children, but I didn't mind. I had all I thought I needed.

It wasn't until the honeymoon when Mark had hit me for the first time. I had gotten pretty drunk and spilled a cocktail down my expensive dress. He had grabbed me by the hair, throwing me down and giving me my first black eye. Thankfully with the right makeup applied no one was the wiser. As time went on, more black eyes, a broken nose, and bruses on my wrists and torso stared to form. I quit the firm job, needing a little space from Mark, getting a job as a makeup lady for our local news station. Mark put me in the hospital the night I told him I had gotten the job.

That was when I decided to start hiding money. I knew after he put me in the hospital that evening that eventually Mark would kill me. When I had gotten out of the hospital and had actually started the news job, things actually got better for a little bit. The distance from not working together made life more bearable and his temper not so short. But by this point I had already started planning my escape. It was another 3 months before Mark laid another hand on me. I saw this comming. I had forgotten to invite a co-worker to a dinner party we were having. He didn't actually notice until we were all sat down, ready to eat.

"Hey, where's...?" He questioned, looking around the table before landing his eyes one me "Did you forget to invite someone?"

"Oh.. I..... must have. I'm so sorry, everyone." I addressed the group, avoiding Mark's eyes as they drilled in to me.

"I'm sorry, please forgive my wife. Her brain isn't all their sometimes "...he chuckled and the room laughed uncomfortably.

I sat back down and finished the evening in silence. When everyone had left, Mark certainly made it clear how much I had displeased him....

I awake from my past reflections and stare out the large, uncurtained window. I remind myself to go to the store. I needed scissors and hair dye.
Pronto. I gather myself and stand, finding the rest of my cash and head out the door.

I walk up and down the aisles of the grocery store, only then realizing I'm in a nice part of town. The prices on the items certainly reflect that as I put the few things I need in my basket and head up to check out.

Walking back to my my new apartment I take in, for the first time, the scenery around me. The company I'd be working for was small and new, but clearly successful. The apartments lined together like little houses and the trees , while faded in the autumn weather, are all clear cut and healthy. I can see the company building now, just ahead and I wonder most of the staff live here as well. Maybe I'll actually get to make my own friends instead of having someone control that for me. For the first time in a long time I'm hopeful for my future.

I climb the stairs, forgetting the elevator and open my door. I put the few groceries in my small, but fancy fridge and the get to work at changing my reflection. Cutting my own hair was hard. I enjoyed the long look, it took so long to grow it out after Mark had ripped most of it from my head, but I was set. I died it a dark red. As I glanced at my look in the mirror I smiled. Over time, my hair will grow back, but for now I look pretty good.

I clean up and throw all my laundry that I own, except the underwear I'm wearing, into the laundry machine inside the unit. Damn, this place is nice, I thought to myself. I walked around my empty bedroom, wondering where I was going to sleep. I decide to lay down on the bare floor and close my eyes to the world, just trying to feel comfortable knowing that Mark had no idea where were I was for the first time in years.

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