The dark knight

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In honour to celebrate Uther's birthday a huge festival would take place in the banquet hall this evening. The servants had been working the whole week without intermission, to make sure that everything was prepared perfectly for the visiting nobles.

The fest had started like usually. Arthur had been a few minutes late, which definitely hadn't been Merlin's fault and had caused the prince a disapproving glance from his father.

Morgana was wearing one of her stunning gowns, surrounded by admirers since she stepped into the hall. And Gwen and Merlin were, when they weren't needed to pour more wine into the glasses, standing next to the wall, talking and joking about everything.

The gullwing door was pushed open and slammed with a loud bang against the stone walls.

The chatter dropped immediately, and everyone turned towards the knight, who strutted into the hall. His armour, that covered his whole body, was as black as the sky at an eclipse and gave only information over his huge, but slender stature. It clanged ominous with every step he took towards the throne. The knights, led by Arthur, had already positioned themselves in front of the king, holding their weapons prepared for battle.

The nameless knight took place in front of them. He seemed to wait for something, showing no intention of raising his voice or drawing his own weapon.

"Who are you and what do you want? State your query!" Arthur took a step towards the knight, who remained silent and unmoving.

After a few seconds of silence Uther raised from the throne and pushed himself through the knights, standing next to Arthur.

"Haven't you heard, what my son asked you to do? Who are you, that you think you can disrespect his orders?"

The answer of the knight consisted out of his gauntlet, that hit the floor with a load clinking.

Arthur's attempt to pick it up, was stopped by Uther, who grabbed his arm to hold his son in standing position.

"Bevor anyone picks up the gauntlet, I want you to show us your face."

To the surprise of everyone the knight started to chuckle, bevor removing his helmet.

"It seems like you learned something out of the incident with Tristan de Bois. Sadly it is not that you should be honest with your son. But how could you, if you aren't even honest with yourself."

A shocked murmur moved like a wave through the crowed as they were watching the now visible face of Merlin.

Even though it wasn't quite Merlin's face. The knight looked a few years older and a lot more tired than the original. In addition to that his face was marked by a scar on his left cheek, that reached from under his eye towards his chin.

"Merlin?," Arthur looked confused between the knight and his manservant, who was standing now next to Gaius, mirroring the shocked expression of the people around him.

"Not quite", answered the knight with the same bright smile that was normally the brand of Arthur's servant.

Uther was the first one, who could resolve himself out of the shock. "How dare you to speak to me like that."

He had raised his voice louder than usually and showed his most intimidating facial expression, that would normally make everyone, even Arthur, quiver in fear.

But the knight just chuckled again. "If you want to teach me some manners, why don't you pick up the gauntlet."

"Father, don't ...." Bevor Arthur was able to finish his sentence, the king, seethed with anger, had already picked up the gauntlet.

"Tomorrow, a fight till death."

"Works for me", the knight answered with a smile and turned to Merlin, who looked as pale as the white tablecloth. "I will pick you up later, we have a lot to talk about." Without waiting for an answer he walked towards the doors.

"Wait, what is your name", Arthur shouted.

"Emrys", answered the knight, bevor leaving the room, without looking back.

Merlin turned even paler, closed his eyes and rested his head against the cold wall.

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