"Then... I don't know, honestly."

"If you take your leg like this, we can do this in the silent part, so at the tu tu tu dah we" and he did some flash cool steps, which weren't properly linked to the general mood, but they both knew they had to do so to impress the audience and the judges. So, Wooyoung nodded and added:

"Then there is the chorus again, and we have to think about it. But for the conclusion, I was thinking paint the blah blah we walk all the way to the side like so and then when there are the knocks, I grab your wrist and you turn to look at me. So, it finishes by saying that me, the dark, calls you again to find peace. Does it make any sense?"

"Yes, I think it's perfect! Let's do it again and then we'll think about the rest."

___ • ___

The two continued to practice and modify the steps until they were out of breath. They managed to finish the whole song they were supposed to, which was a one minute and a half cut. (lol actually in my mind is more but we don't care ok)

Wooyoung was drinking some water while staring at himself at the mirror, marking some steps.

"I guess we can record a final video and then come back tomorrow. We already did a lot for today." San said in the background, making the brunette to put his phone on the ground and walk to the center again. The song was about to begin again, so San ran in his place.

Since it was the last try and the recorded one, they tried to put their best into it. They were standing turned to their backs. Wooyoung was the first to walk backward, then turned to San and started his movements as soon as the singer began. They went on with full focus, until the chorus, where they faced each other.

This time, the look they were sharing was very intense, again. Maybe, because they weren't thinking at all at the moment. Well, not until they walked closer, so he could feel San's breath on his face. He shivered, again. He thought that doing it over and over for the whole afternoon would make he used to that contact, but it didn't. Instead, Wooyoung found his eyes to fade half closed when San touched his skin, as a louder sigh of tiring left his lips and a bunch of goosebumps covered his neck. It last a second, since the song went on, and their contact became even deeper.

They put the highest amount of energy in the last part, and ended by looking at each other, again. The song had finished since at least ten seconds, but they weren't planning on moving. Instead, they stood still, eyes into the others, breaths mixed. They weren't supposed to be that close, but Wooyoung put too much strength in his pull, so he made San step closer and their nose were almost touching.

San felt like it was time to move, but he didn't. Why he doesn't move?
Wooyoung's grip was still firm on his wrist. His loud sighs were the cause of the innumerable amount of shivers on his neck and back.

He couldn't resist but make his eyes wander on the other's face, staying longer on the mole under his eyes, which he found so cute. He could also catch another mole on his bottom lip, which he never noticed. The whole of his face, his features, were so perfect that he could stare at him forever.

San was staring at the other's lips since an uncomfortable amount of time. Wooyoung's mind was totally blank.

Why I'm not moving?

He could feel San pulling himself closer, maybe? Or I'm losing it? That's when he left his wrist and walked backwards, a shy smile on his lips as he scratched the back of his neck. How long has it been?

He walked to the speakers to get back his phone, trying his best to cover the pepper color of his cheeks, which even grew up to his ears.

What the fuck?



Ok lemme talk about this

I put the video of the song, I suggest you to listen to it, firstly because I think it's really beautiful, and then because it will help you understand better the type of music. I also put here a link for a dance video to make you understand the "style" of the dance

This is for the "first" part: https://www.instagram.com/tv/B5x_QZbKgVE/
and this for the second: 

Writing this had been SO HARD because I had everything figured in my mind, but I wasn't sure how to write and describe it, how to make it clear to people who are not used to dance. Not that I am a professional dancer tho 

This moment/choreograph event is the main thing that brought me to write the whole story and I think it's the best moment between these two so far

I hope you got everything I said and the feelings through it because it was so important to me

Thank you ♥ 

PRODUCE 101 | c.s + j.wyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora