Chapter 15

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Lyra POV

Pulling my hair into a messy bun I was ready to take me and my little brother out to eat. Mom was out supposedly working but honestly I don't know what she does. Me and Enrique both had on black and white Adidas sweatpants, zip up hoodies, and sneakers. We wasn't feeling in the mood to dress up we just wanted some food in our system. "my little ganstaaaasa" I mess around with him and poking him on his chest causing him to throw his hands up to block himself from more of my pokes. "Stop you know those hurts Ly !" he begged.

"Alright alright" I gave in after a couple more pokes. Let me just grab my wallet and the keys and we can head out. Walking to the kitchen I felt my phone vibrate and I was surprised that it was Abel. it was 12 in the afternoon I thought he would be sleeping later than this.

Abel: hey we need to talk. come through.

Me: I can't abel. I'm busy. ttyl.

Abel: wym ur busy ?
Abel: hello ?
Abel: I know your getting my messages
Abel: well not really
Abel: fuck I hate you for not having your read recipient on
Abel: Bye

Laughing at the texts I grabbed my stuff and went down many flights of stairs with Enrique. God I really wish The projects in New York had elevators especially if you live on the 5th floor. Reaching the bottom steps I'm practically out of breathe, so was my little brother. "Can you carry me my legs hurt ?" Enrique pleaded. "What ! Why does it hurt ?!" As I speak I am looking at him as if he is crazy. "I don't know ever since this morning there's been this throbbing in my knee" he sits on one of the stairs and I kneel down to examine his knee and feel around it. He winces at my touch when I squeeze behind it. "Okay I'll carry you but if it keeps on hurting you tell me. we'll go to the hospital and get it checked out". Slightly nodding his head in agreement I let him jump on my back.

Taking the 2 train one stop and walking a couple blocks me and Enrique was entering a IHOP in the East Bronx. The place had a decent amount of people, it wasn't really busy as other times. "Table for two ?" a perky waitress asked me and Enrique. "No" he blurted out "3 so you can join us" quickly pushing him behind me and covering his mouth I looked at the waitress who was laughing at Enrique's joke. "Oh sorry !don't mind Mr.Papi-Chulo over here, but yes a table for 2" I apologized. "No no no, it's fine don't apologize he's cute" she then bends and speaks to him, "I'm too old for you anyways". She gets up throws me a small smile and escorts us to our table.

Sitting down I start to scan the menu and I can already feel my mouth watering at the images of pancakes. I absolutely loved their chocolate chip pancakes. I remember when me and Michael would get into small arguments he'll make me feel better with chocolate chip pancakes and smoothies. I'm absolutely obsessed with smoothies, I can't get enough of them. the fruity ice cold drink sends my taste buds on a roller coaster ride.

Feeling an annoying constant vibrate from my pocket I take out my phone to see its Abel facetiming me now. "Can I help you abel ?" I answered annoyed.

"Thought you were busy"

"And I am Abel. I'm out with someone right now."

"Who is this someone that is not me ?"

"The world doesn't revolve around you Abel"

giving me a sly smirk " but when my di-"

"UM ABEL DONT SPEAK ABOUT THAT RIGHT NOW" I said a little too loud which caused people to look at me. "Abel I'm having breakfast with my little brother right now. can you call when your less annoying and when I don't want to kill you ?"

Abel stayed quiet, He looked as if he was in deep thought.

".... I want to meet him"

"Excuse me ?" I asked confused.

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