Chapter 1

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I stared out the window of the helicopter we sat in for the past hour. The forbidden forest as we call it is a place tucked away on an island just off the coast of Busan, Korea. A large island that no one ever inhabited even in ancient times, although it was visible from the shores of Busan, no man ventured out and came back alive.

The dangers of this expedition only dawned on me just as I entered the helicopter surrounded by men with firearms squished between Jimin and a soldier. I guess the only thing that kept me going was the pure excitement radiating from my coworker and best friend Park Jimin.

"You're looking rather pale Hana, are you okay?" Jimin asked from beside me through the helicopter headphones that helped block out the loud sound of the loud blades.

"Yeah— just afraid of heights is all." I played it off. Honestly I had a very bad feeling brewing in me about this expedition. A total of twenty men and us four scientists were to be escorted into this island to help bring back knowledge about this place and to hopefully maybe find some evidence of the Chiefs missing nephew. I shivered at the thought of finding remains of dead bodies.

Our environmental research facility is the only one licensed to enter the grounds of this island, no other facility nor country were allowed to be on this island which was declared as early since the 1960's. One would have to get permission from the head of facility of environmental research to enter; though, that didn't stop delinquents and curious people to want to uncover its mysteries. It was then that two years ago, our chief's nephew, A Junior researcher, got obsessed with this island, he was top of the facility with the numerous discoveries and breakthroughs even at such a young age. One day the Chief allowed him and a few other scientists to enter the island but to everyone's dismay, they vanished.

The chief then banned anyone from entering ever again after two expeditions after went missing as well, strange occurrences happened and it was impossible to find anyone because this island had a very particular quirk about it.

The helicopter was finally descending, onto a floating platform that was structured by man atop the sea water. As we landed, although rather uneasily, we managed to make it down safely, the other helicopters too landing along the long jetty that jut out from the island.

As we walked down the long jetty, ushered by the armed men beside us, each of us scientists were given us two guards whom I have yet to be acquainted with since I completely dismissed the introductions because I hadn't paid attention. The man beside me was rather young, probably one of the fittest of the group. It would make sense for them to send in their best which did calm my heart just a little.

As we made it to the island, immediately all our cellphones lost signal and died out. This goes with any electronic device. This island had some form of strange electromagnetic field surrounding it, planes and flying vehicles had to strictly avoid its path as it would immediately disabled its systems, resulting into horrible crashes into the ocean. This was another part of our research, and mystery Jimin was obsessed with too.

This made it impossible to use GPS or any form of electrical communication amongst each other. We had to be traditional with our methods, Luckily for us, the army men were trained for such expeditions.

"Attention everyone!" Namjoon bellowed as everyone lined up along the beach, each of us scientists were still rather intimidated but at least it kept us feeling safe.

"We will enter the forest in a single group, find base and then split into groups of two for expeditions as planned." Namjoon instructed. A series of 'Yes sirs' were shouted out as us four scientists meekly said it too.

"Every day at 2pm sharp we are to return to the base and report our morning findings, after lunch, we will then break off and return before sundown. No one will leave camp at night, are we clear!" Namjoon ordered.

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