Chapter Thirty-Two - Cheers For A New Year

Start from the beginning

"Maybe while you're at it, look for an eye doctor, you git." Fred retorted, throwing orange peels at the Malfoys. Just then, Emily lit up and turned to her brother, her arm still vigorously whipping cream. "Right! Speaking of gits, I know you're still cross over the whole Dudley thing –"

Harry sights and takes the bowl of whipped cream from his sister and begins to assemble the berry trifle. "Cross doesn't even cover it. But it's fine, do what you must, just don't ask me to speak to him." Emily took a sliced strawberry and stressfully ate it, "Harry, that is literally what I'm asking of you. C'mon now, he's trying."

James exchanged a furtive glance at Minnie and Addy who seemed to know more on the matter at hand, curious, he spoke up. "Who are we talking about now?" He asked his father and aunt. Emily smiled softly at him and then turned to Harry, "Your father and I have a muggle cousin, and he stopped by a few days ago to let us know that his daughter is a witch. And that he would very much appreciate seeing his cousin after all these years." She emphasized word for word while her brother sliced bananas.

"Those years wouldn't have to pile up had he answered my letters and returned my calls." He curtly responded, haphazardly slicing cubes of pound cake. Emily took the knife away from him and motioned for Harry to just assemble the dessert while she did the prep, "And it'll be years more if you keep on being a drama queen."

Draco cleared his throat and finally caught his brother-in-law's attention. "He did look sincere, mate. And he's also surprisingly short compared to what you've described when you last told me about Dudley."

Emily let out an airy laugh while she finished up slicing the last pieces of fruit. "You don't tell your kids about their muggle uncle, but you do with my husband? What, do you two braid each other's hair and share things that have plagued your souls?" She teasingly mocked, grabbing the offset spatula to smooth over the layer of whipped cream before proceeding to let Harry go on with the next layers of the trifle.

"Not recently. Though we do have a date coming up before I have to go back to Hogwarts." Harry coolly answered with a suggestive wink to which Draco warmly responded, Emily rolled her eyes at them and threw banana peels at their faces. The men winced and leaned in forward to let the fruit peels fall off onto the countertop. "While that is very funny and kind of sweet, please take this seriously, Harry – "

"I am taking it seriously, I've spoken to the family solicitor on taking on Draco as my own spouse and - "

"Harry," Emily interjected with a startling warning tone that earned Harry a few "Oh, you're in trouble" looks from his nieces, child, and brothers-in-law. "We're all he's got now. I don't think Petunia and Vernon are amused by the outcome of these events. You know how much they bloody adored Dudley – and how much they despised us. And as much as I want to believe that the years might have softened their cold, prejudice elitist hearts, it might not be the case."

Minnie furrowed her brows at the mention of the peculiar names. "Petunia and Vernon? Who are they?" At that question, Harry smirked at Emily and laughed, "And you judged me for not telling my kids on who Dudley is?"

"I've only met them on three separate occasions," She shrilly explained, "You've lived with that family for over sixteen years!"

Draco sighed and took away the trifle from the Potter twins before anyone of them could over-layer it with strawberries and honeycomb. "To answer your question, Minnie, they are your grandmother Lily's muggle sister and brother-in-law. And don't worry, we don't have to meet them." He then looked at Harry and Emily, suddenly worried, "Right?"

"Right." The twins said in absolute unison.

"What's the harm in ringing up Uncle Dudley, dad?" James asked, leaning over the counter. "It sounds like he's desperate for help, and for our cousin no less – "

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