Chapter 5 - A New Begining

Start from the beginning

"Vous en avez vraiment besoin. Je pense que je perds la tête sans une autre fille ici. Ces garçons sont sur le point d'être étranglés à mort, je le jure." I laughed knowing that she really proably would strangle them, not to hurt them but as a joke. Either that or throw a shoe or at her children. And trust me you do not want to be on the recieving end of that shoe. That thing hurts like a bitch. Thats coming from someone who can be stabbed and not even realize it cause it doesn't hurt at this point. (You really do need to. I think I'm losing my mind without another girl here. These boys are about to be strangled to death, I swear. )

While talking to Abella I was packing my bags and changed into something more comfortable for the flight considering I would be going from California to New York which is across the country. I told Abella I had to go but promised I would come visit soon.

I walked downstairs to see my family sitting on the couch talking and playing on their phones.

" I'm ready, if you all are? " They looked up from their phones and stood up walking towards me.

" Are you sure thats all you need. I mean we can buy anything that you forget or may need when we get home. " Alessandro asked while nervously scratching the back of his head.

" Yeah I'm sure. The only thing I would want to take is my bike and one of my cars if that is alright? " Even if he said no, which I doubt he would I would just have them sent over. I plan on doing that with the rest of my cars and bikes. I have some in New York but I want these there as well.

" Alright if your ready then lets head out. I can send someone to pick up the car and bike you want to take and ship them to New York. "

I gave him a nod of approval, " That's fine, however if there is even a scratch on either one I will gut and torture the person responsible. I suggest you make that clear to them if they value their life. "

Each one of them had a proud look on their faces. Armani quickly covered his up and put his emotionless mask back on. I couldn't say anything about it as I had mine on as well.

We went to their ferarri so I could place my bags in the car, I was going to drive one of my bikes while Alessio was going to drive my Aston Martin DBS Superleggra. I threatened him before I gave him the keys and I really don't think anything is going to happen to my baby as he gulped and slowly took the keys out of my hands.

I pulled out last behind both cars saying a quick goodbye to the house and all the memories it had.

Off to start a new chapter in my life I guess. Lets just see how this goes.

Her Aston Martin DBS Superleggra

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Her Aston Martin DBS Superleggra

                                                                                                                                                                                       One of her bikesOkay so what do you guys think so far?

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One of her bikes
Okay so what do you guys think so far?

I promise that their will be more killing and what not further in as well as somethings cleared up like why she is like this, how her mom died, and things like that. Also if there are any mistakes let me know please. I am writing this chapter at 1 in the morning.

I also just want to give a huge thank you to the people that have read my story so far I really appreciate it.

Love y'all

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