She is correct, I have to raise above it all. I am trying to heal my pain, but yet here I am bleeding on people who never hurt me.

I can't keep running around my painful past anymore, I have to face it. By remembering my past I'm just hurting the people I love and who love me.

"Now, put a smile on and show yourself and everyone in the world that you are ferocious and not one to be messed with." She said and kissed me on my cheek.

"Thank you Ammu!" I said and hugged her.

"Get ready stupid world, my cousin is going to sway you off your feet." She yelled happily hugging me.

"Why don't you come with me Ammu?" I asked her one last time applying a little makeup.

"That's not my thing Divya, I'd rather be at home with the kids than at a party, I have a great night planned with Dru and the kids. You go and have fun, don't worry about Amar." She said packing away all the clothes I tried on.

I smiled and felt happy at her care for me and Amar, I am lucky to have her in my life.

"AMMYY! DIVYA! Andrew's here!" Dru yelled, so we both stepped down not wanting him to wait for me.

I found Andrew sitting with Elena in his lap talking to her in a black suit which is complementing his blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Um...Hmm," Ammu cleared her throat gaining Andrew's attention.

He turned his head and kept looking at me, I couldn't understand the emotion his face was showing but it felt good to have to look at me like that. Dru nudged him breaking our eye contact, he looked away, stood up, and adjusted his suit buttons.

"You.. you look beautiful." He said and came towards me.

"Thank you! You look good too! Let's go." I said extending my hand to get a hold of his hand, not being able to walk alone with these heels and a long gown.

Dru gathered all the kids from the playroom and they sang bye as we walked to the door. Amar gave me a kiss and waved me bye.

Ammu walked with us to the door.

"Bye! Andrew, take care of her. Don't leave her alone. And tell your stupid friend to come home as early as possible." She told him as he opened his car door for me to get in and helped me with my dress.

He got in his car and started it as I waved bye to Amaya.

"Are you nervous? Are you comfortable in that dress?" Andrew questioned me as soon as we passed through Amaya's main gate.

"You don't like the dress?" I asked him back feeling the same old pain.

"NOO, I love it on you, You look amazing like a princess. I never saw you dressed up like this and I thought Amy put you up to this." He explained without a pause alleviating my pain.

"I am comfortable in this, You have really great taste," I told him looking at the white flowers complimenting the dress.

"Good! That's one of the last dresses my mom ordered for herself. I'm glad you like it." He said looking at me and I saw the pain in those beautiful eyes. I wanted to hug him and comfort him, it really hurts me to see Andrew in pain.

"I'm sorry! " I said feeling sorry for him and myself that I can't do anything to help him.

We reached the hospital which looks completely different and soon the Valet came by and opened the door for me and I stepped out of the car and went in with Andrew by my side.

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