chapter 21 - Fear

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"Bullshit!" Peter yelled.

"That's is so dumb man" liam said

"Fuck! First you broke the lock and scared the shit out of her and yet you couldn't convince her."

"She was hurt. I didn't want to force her to listen to me." Ace explained.

"You never wanted to go anyway" liam said.

"I'm sorry guys. I'm really sorry" ace apologized. "Your apologies won't fix anything ace. We can't go there anymore. Pony can't neither. Now what do we do? Huh? Answer me? You better fix this" peter said.

"Maybe liam should go talk to her?"ace suggested

"Shut ace" liam replied. "I'll call pony" .

"Yes please" peter replied as liam brought out his phone and dialled pony's number.

"Hey pony"

"Liam? Hi."

"Meredith knows". that  is all liam could say. He didn't know how to say the words without breaking pony. There was a loud silence over the phone. "Pony?" Liam tried to confirm if she had ended the call

"Yeah?"pony replied with a cracked voice. "It's fine. I'm a murderer afterall. It's my job."  Liam knows pony didn't mean to say this. He could hear the hurt in her voice.

"Pony we'll figure this out I promise" peter said.

"Who went to meet her today?" Pony asked

"I did" ace said over the phone.

"You bastard! You told her didn't you?" Pony yelled over the phone

"I didn't say anything pony. She told me. She saw your face and she thinks we're the cause of the accident. She thinks liam was there to make it look like it was nothing. She thinks we took the body" ace said

"What body?" Pony asked

"Chris' body" liam replied

"Shit" pony cussed as she ended the call. Mail tried to call her back but it went to voicemail.

"She's not telling us something" peter said.

"More like she's using us. This is what shadow want." Ace said

"Shut up" peter and liam said at once.


"How long have you been standing there?" Pony asked.

"Boss wants to speak with you" wayne replied, ignoring her question.

"I'll be out in a minute" pony replied as her breaths heavily. Pony quickly out some makeup on before going to meet shadow.

"Hi shadow"

"Hey pony. Since you're less busy today I was thought of letting you leave the country for a while. You know? Take care of yourself and put all these behind." Shadow said

"No it's fine. The shit matters to me. It's fir my famy, I'll do it" pony replied.

"Alright if you say so. Feel free to let me know whenever you want to leave" shadow. Said.

"Of course" pony replied before leaving the shadow. Her eyes immediately met with wayne's as she stares at him, looking fir words to come out.


"Hey what did he say?" Wayne asked

"He wanted me to leave the country for some time" pony replied

"I wonder why you refused to leave. Last I remember, you were tired of leaving a filthy life." Wayne smirked. He knew he was tormenting her but he loved it. He has never seen her this vunerable and he would crush her any moment he gets.

"Don't say that wayne." Pony replied. Afraid to look him in the eyes

"Then what is it? Scared liam would fuck someone else? Wayne asked.

"How did you know?" Pony asked back suprised that he knows she has been sleeping with liam. Sh has been sleeping with the enemy but she didn't see him as an enemy. She sees him as a rival but they make out whenever the are pressured or in pain. It was nothing to her. It was just fun. Something to ease their minds.

"Slut" wayne smirked and walked past pony. She felt like going after him and break his ribs but that would only worsen everything. Sha hates that she's scared of him. But it's just for a little while. For now she has no choice than to live with fear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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