chapter 18 - Our little secret

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The drive home with liam was a very quiet one. "Are you okay?" Liam asked breaking the silence.

"Yes" pony replied, looking out the window

"Wanna talk about it?"

"No don't push it!" Pony yelled. "I don't wanna tell shadow about it. And you can't tell Peter either"

"What is with people telling me what to do for fuck sake!" Liam said, gritting his teeth

"Let this be our little secret please. I don't want shadow to have her. Look I know her grandfather killed my family but she look so innocent and I don't want way to see me as weak neither. If shadow finds out she was able to recognize me, he'd want me to bring her to him and if I fail to do so, he'll forcefully take her." pony said

"And you're telling me this because?" Liam asked, suprised that pony poured out her mind to him.

"To protect her. I'm not the bad guy here" pony replied.

"Then let's talk to peter about it. Let's plan it together. We'll come up with something without letting shadow know.okay?

"Alright then. Take me to the loft" pony agreed as they drove to the loft.

"We're here" liam said as they both got out of the car. "Remember they're not gonna take it easy on you. Especially ace."

"Yea I know" pony replied and went into the loft.

" Hey guys"


"What are you doing here?" Ace yelled

"Chill ace I'm not the one that hit you with a vase" pony said rolling her eyes. Ace pushed pony, making her lose balance as she got up and punched him. He tried to hit her again when she kicked him where the sun don't shine. Fuck was all ace could say before falling on the ground.

"Hi Peter"

"Why are you here pony?" Peter asked

" To make a deal" pony replied. "What deal?" Peter asked.

"Meredith recognized pony"liam said.


"I've been wearing makeup to cover my scar. Thanks to ace. But today I don't feel like putting a makeup on so she saw the scar" pony explained.

" What? You don't have a fucking mirror?" Ace said groaning

"Shut up ace. Focus on healing down there" pony replied

"You're lucky I don't hit on women" ace said back.

"So I'm I won't tell shadow about it because I don't want him to have meredith"

"Why are you telling us this?" Peter asked

"Because she doesn't deserve it. I got into this game with shadow for revenge okay? But it was her grandfather who did this not her. I won't tell shadow anything. Let this be our little secret. Please." Pony said, hoping they would understand her concern for red.

" What do you plan to do?" Liam asked, folding his arms

"Go back to shadow. Act like everything is okay. He just keeps bothering me about working in the coffee shop to get closer to meredith mad convince her you guys killed Chris and make her turn her back against you"

" Fine. Liam has your number. We'll come up with a plan and I'll call you when we come up with a plan tomorrow or whenever we have an update"peter said.

"Alright. Bye"  pony said as she left the loft

" Ah that bitch" ace groaned

"You okay ace?"

"Do I look like I'm okay?"

"I know. Just asking."

"Fuck you liam!"  " Dude you need to see the look on meredith's face when she recognized pony. She was like....." Liam said and mimicked the face red pulled in the restaurant.

"Is that supposed to be funny?" Ace asked

"Ah pony hit you real hard. Sorry" liam said, laughing.

Hello guys. What do you think about this chapter?! Tell me in the comments section and don't forget to vote.

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