chapter 16-Mandy's coffee shop

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Liam stopped at the front of  mandy coffee shop. He looked around just to study the environment. Satisfied with himself, he went in.

" Hello! Welcome to Mandy's coffee shop. What can I offer you?"

" I thought you only serve coffee here" liam said. It was supposed to come out as a question, not a statement.

" I know right" benny said laughing hard. " It's just part of customer service. Y'know? Benny replied.

" Oh right" liam replied. Laughing along with benny. They immediately kept quiet when they noticed someone walked in.

"Oh hey meredith. You're late today"

" I know I know I'm sorry benny" red replied

"It's fine. Lora isn't here yet"

"Oh thank God!" Meredith said relaxing her shoulder, taking a deep breath as she remembered there a customer in the shop.

" Good morning - liam?"

"Hello meredith. Good morning to you too" liam said sarcastically.

"You two know each other?" benny asked

"Yea. An old friend" liam replied.  " A cup of coffee please. Black coffee."

"Ok I'll be right back." Benny replied. Leaving meredith with peter.

"What are the you doing here?" Meredith asked whispering

"Um I'm not sure why you're whispering" liam said, ignoring her question.

"I'm trying to keep my voice down"

"I don't see anybody in here" liam replied.

"Fine! What do you want?" Meredith asked. Half yelling.

"A cup of black coffee" liam replied, smirking.

"I'm serious liam" meredith replied, rolling her eyes. "Here's your coffee sir" benny said . Dropping the coffee at the front of liam. "Thanks" liam said.

"Leave" meredith said, gritting her teeth while pointing her hands to the exit door.

"Good morning everybody"

"Good morning lora"

"Hi meredith. Hope you had a good night?"

"Yes thank you".

"Good morning ma'am" liam greeted. Trying to get her attention

"Good morning mr-

"Liam. Just liam."   "Oh hi liam. Welcome to Mandy's coffee shop. Anyone taken your order yet?" Lora asked.

"Yes thank you" liam replied. "I must say this place is somewhere I'd love to drink coffee everyday"

"You're always welcome" lora replied, smiling at liam. " Meredith get him an extra cup of coffee"

" Ok ma'am" meredith replied, giving liam a death look as she mouthed "leave"

"He's so cute, don't you think?" Benny asked, stealing glances at liam. "Oh please" meredith replied, rolling her eyes.

"Good morning ms lora"

" Oh hi pony. Good morning"

" Hey liam" pony said looking over her shoulder. "A cup of coffee please. With extra sugar"

"Excuse me liam. I'll be right back" lora said giving liam an apologetic look

"What are you doing here liam?" Pony asked

" I thought it's obvious." Liam replied not bothering to look at pony

" Whatever" pony replied. Rolling her eyes.

"Here's your coffee ma'am"

"Thanks" pony replied. "And thanks for agreeing on a double date last week"

" I didnt agree. Daniel did" red replied. She didn't mean to sound rude towards a customer and she isn't ready to apologise either.

"I understand" pony said. Making red look at her. "No it's not okay. I shouldn't have yelled at - " red noticed the mark on pony's cheek. Red was beyond schoked as she opened her mouth, covering her hand with it. " You.... It's you" red said.

"Meredith?" Liam called. "I think I should leave" pony said. almost as a whisper." Liam c'mon"

Red couldn't believe. How couldn't she see the mark earlier? How couldn't she recognize her voice? She couldn't believe it. They must be here for a reason. Why is pony always in the coffee shop? No it doesn't make sense. First it was pony, then peter. And now it's liam?

"Meredith" benny called, snapping her fingers. " What are you think about? Where's liam and pony?" Lora asked

"Um they left" red replied.

"Are you okay? Wanna take a day off?"

"Yes please" red replied

"It's okay dear. You can leave." Lora said

"Thank you lora. Thank you so much" meredith said, bidding benny goodbye and immediately left the shop.

Hi! Things are gonna get pretty tense guys. Vote and comment about what you think about this chapter. Thank you!

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