"Yes, of course sweetheart."

I let her in. She walks towards the living.

"Can I make you a tea?" I offer.

"No, thank you, Nathan. I-I just wanna talk."

Talk? She said this once. I walk towards her and sit besides her on the couch.

"Sure. What do you want to talk about, sweetness?"

"I have a twin brother." She murmured.

What? I thought she was a single child.

"I found out about this yesterday." She paused.

I don't wanna say anything until she finished. Yesterday? It's that why she's sick and crying?

"Ma knew about this. She never told me." Her gaze were on the floor.

"Me and John asked for her explaination."

John? That guy? The guy who met her and made her cry?

"John?" I can't help but ask.

"My twin brother." Oh.

"She said that my dad married her and John's step mother to take care of us.

She never knew all this until the day my dad died. John's stepmother paid us a visit.

She brought a newspaper. It says that my dad was a billionnare. He owns the Hunt Enterprise."

Hunt Enterprise? You mean Martha's brother is Johnathan Hunt? The Johnathan Hunt? Why I never realize that their surname is the same?

"My mom and me thought my dad was a reporter. Ma worked so hard to support all of us. But he truth is he was more than capable to support us. When he died, he didn't leave a penny to us. He gave the company to John. Nothing to us. We were lucky John's stepmother paid us a visit. Told my mom the truth."

I pulled her shoulder leaned onto me. I rubbed her back softly. Damn it. I didn't know Ethan Hunt was capable of doing this to her. His own daughter.

"I was an unwanted child, Nathan"


"What are you talking about, sweetheart?"

"My mom died because of me. Dad always wanted a son. Mom gave birth to John first. The second birth would've killed her. But she had to. The reason why dad seperated me and John was he didn't even wants me."

Her voice started to breaking. I know she's gonna cry. I pulled her head towards my chest. I caressed her soft hair.

"Shh, let it go. Don't hold it back, sweetheart. I'm here."

"How could someone be so cruel, Nathan? I thought he loved me. He was a liar. I want to hate him, but I can't. Because he's my dad."

She cried. Tears started streaming on my shirt.

"Shhh." I don't know what to say.

After a few seconds, she wiped her tears.

"I'm sorry, Nathan. I shouldn't have." Here she comes again.

"No, sweetheart, it's okay." She turned her face facing me.

"Am I disturbing you?" Her eyes were flushed with tears. Her nose were red. God she looks so cute.

"No, honey no."

"It's just, I couldn't think of anyone else but you. I feel like I hav--"

"And you've come to the right place, sweetheart. I told you, I'll always be right here." I gave her a smile.

She replied me by giving me a warm smile.

"Thank you, Nathan. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here."

"Me too, sweetheart. Me too."

After hours of talking about nothing, having dinner, Martha asked me to give her a ride back home. She didn't talk at all about her dad or mom or her twin brother. I guess she's still sad about that. Of course she's sad! After all these years, she thought her beloved father was a reporter, who couldn't even support his family, needed his wife to work for him. The truth is he was a bilionnare. Hunt Enterpise is a billion dollar company.

"Princess, we're here." I turned to her and she was sleeping.

I can't wake her up. She's tired. I decided to carry her in my arms and walk to her house. I rang the bell. A few seconds later Ms. Kròs opened the door. Her face looked relieved. I guess she didn't know where Martha went.

"Oh, thank god she's with you. Oh lord. I was worried. Come in,"

I walked in and Ms. Kròs shut the door.

"I'm sorry that you didn't know, Ms. Kròs. She came to me and told me everything." I said to Ms. Kròs in whisper. Didn't wanna wake the beautiful and sweet princess in my arm.

"It's okay. You can put her into her bed upstairs."

I nodded and walk upstairs. I push the door with my back and walk towards her bed. I put her slowly on her bed. I took off her shoes and socks. I just realized she didn't wear she sweatshirt anymore. It was a simple plain light blue shirt. She sleeps like a corpse. When I tried to get of her bed, her hand gripped my wrist. Tightly.

"Don't leave me, Nathan."



"Please stay."

"Okay." I lay down beside her. She was still sleeping when she asked me to stay.

I put my arm on her waist. Keeping her still to face me. I planted a kiss on her forehead. Down to her nose. And down to her lips.

"I'm not going to leave you, Martha. Ever."

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