How He Asks You Out Officially

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Jon Moxley- Jon takes you on a hike. It's been a while since you've gone hiking, so he takes you on a relatively easy and short hike. By the time you get to the top, the sun is beginning to set, making the surroundings look absolutely beautiful. He wraps his arm around you, pulling you close and asking you to be his officially.

Darby Allin- Darby takes you to a skatepark after you tell him you want to learn to skate. He's more than happy to help teach you. When you get excited about managing a little dip on the board without falling off, he smiles and says that you're cute and he wishes you were his girlfriend. You don't think he meant to say it out loud and that he was thinking to himself, but you happily say that you will be.

Kenny Omega- Kenny asks you over FaceTime. It's not possible to see each other often and he didn't want to have to wait another couple months to make you his officially.

PAC- PAC invites you over to his house for a nice night. The two of you cook together, having fun and making a nice meal. While you're cooking together, he wraps his arms around you and asks you to officially be his girlfriend. You obviously accept, and you spend the night cuddling after cleaning up.

MJF- Maxwell didn't officially ask you to be his girlfriend. He introduced you to someone as his girlfriend without thinking about it, but you didn't correct him, and that's how your relationship became official.

Chris Jericho- Chris asked you over a fancy dinner, a classic way to ask. He asks you after dessert to be his girlfriend, holding your hands over the table. Of course you say yes.

Sammy Guevara- Having met online not looking for anything serious, you and Sammy were friends with benefits before he asked you to be his girlfriend. He asked you in the morning after you spent the night together. You wake up to your alarms and turn them off, Sammy groaning and pulling you close, not wanting to have to get up. When you try to get up, he pulls you back and tells you he has to admit something. He says that he doesn't want to carry on with the current arrangement and wants more. You couldn't agree more.

Wardlow- Wardlow was helping you take some pictures. You obviously get professional pictures taken, but only for magazines and other jobs, not for Instagram, you take those yourself. He agreed to help you take some pictures and he says you look absolutely beautiful. He starts talking a lot about how beautiful you are and how amazing you are before asking you to be his girlfriend.

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