Your First Impression

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Jon Moxley- You thought he was sweet. He was a little tipsy but wasn't exactly drunk. A bar may not be the best place to meet someone, but he was cute and seemed nice. You thought it was so sweet that he sent a message that night and you liked that he didn't feel the need to wait until the next day or something.

Darby Allin- He seemed so interesting. You had a lot of common and you felt like you could've listened to him talk all day. He wasn't hyper masculine and you really liked that he wasn't afraid of seeming what people would see as feminine like painting his nails.

Kenny Omega- He seemed very confident in himself and it was extremely sweet of him to show you to where you were going rather than just telling you how to get there, as well as inviting you to the show later.

PAC- You thought he was really friendly and nice. He didn't seem like the most confident person, but he didn't seem super shy either, which made you appreciate him coming up to you and helping you be comfortable.

MJF- You thought he seemed quite cold, but you understood so you didn't hold it against him. When he gave you his number, you began to think that maybe he was a little bit shy and it was displayed in an unpleasant way, or had some kind of reputation he wanted to uphold.

Chris Jericho- You thought he seemed great all around. Your dog ran up to him to play with him, and you know your dog is a great judge of character, so you liked him immediately. Oddly, he made you feel safe with him, even though you'd never met him before.

Sammy Guevara- You thought he seemed incredibly interesting. He was definitely cute. Meeting someone online is different to meeting someone in person, it's much harder to get a real impression, but he was very intriguing.

Wardlow- You thought he was very talented and handsome. He seemed interesting and seemed pretty excited, although he was definitely trying to hide it a little and keep it cool.

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