How You Sleep

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Jon Moxley- You will cuddle up to him with your head and hand on his chest, and he'll have his arm around you.

Darby Allin- You often fall asleep back to back with your backs touching, but it's very rare you wake up not cuddling each other.

Kenny Omega- You'll sleep facing each other, arms around each other. His head with be on top of your head and yours will be against his chest.

PAC- You'll sleep with your head on his shoulder, holding hands on his chest, his leg over yours.

MJF- He would be so mad if you ever told anyone, but he's very cuddly. He'll pull you on top of him and fall asleep with his arms around you tightly, keeping you where you are.

Chris Jericho- You sleep with your legs intertwined, facing towards each other with your arms around each other.

Sammy Guevara- You sleep spooning each other. You'll face away from him and he'll cuddle up behind you with his arm over you. Sometimes he'll be the little spoon, but no one is supposed to know that.

Wardlow- You sleep facing each other without cuddling because you get too hot, but you will be holding hands or at least have your hands touching.

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