The Second Hero

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Another year at Hogwarts is about to end, all the students gathered at the Great Hall. Like every start and end of the year, on every line of tables there is a house. At the very right of the Great Hall, the Slytherin house was sitting. Next to them, Hufflepuff was sitting. El and Merula noticed Lina and Jake, Lina and Jake noticed them back. They waved to each other, everyone was waiting to Dumbledore to announce about the end of the year. "Another year is ending in Hogwarts" said Dumbledore "I know that it was a very adventurous year for some of you" he look at El. El felt embarrassed, but also exited to know which house won this year. "And now we will announce which house won this year. At the 4th place, Ravenclaw with 312 points. At the 3rd place, Gryffindor with 400 points. At the 2nd place, Slytherin with 450 points. And 1st place, Hufflepuff 520 points. Which means Hufflepuff wins the house cup this year" said Dumbledore. All the Hufflepuff students cheered, El showed to Lina a thumb up as a "good job". "But" said Dumbledore "after what happened this year, I'm adding 100 points to Slytherin for defeating You Know Who once again. Slytherins, you should thank El Wildfire for that. And that's no all" the crowd got in silence "I would like to invite someone, please come in, Mrs. Cara Wildfire" said Dumbledore, the crowd cheered, Mrs. Wildfire was walking to Dumbledore. "Cara was learning here too, she was bullying everyone, even her housemates the Slytherins. After she graduated, she turned into a completely different person. She's kind, helping, protecting. If you noticed, she was here for a couple of days. Why? One of the students here found a dragon in a secret room, and another student has caught by it. If Cara wouldn't agree to save those students who tried to stop the dragon, they could be dead by now. And for that I'm adding another 50 points to Slytherin, which means Slytherin wins the house cup this year" said Dumbledore, the Slytherin students were cheering, El was shocked "we won, aren't you happy?" Merula asked El "but, how?" El asked "it's all thanks to you, we won twice this year. And it's only our first year at Hogwards" said Merula. After Snape realized that Widlik wasn't lying at that day when he told him that there was a dragon, he slowly turned his head of the crowd. Everyone was leaving to the train to go back home for the summer holidays. El walked to her mom, "you came back?" She asked Mrs. Wildfire "I came back to collect you home. Aren't you planning to go home for the summer holidays?" Mrs. Wildfire asked "I am but, did professor Dumbledore invited you again?" El asked "after all, I'm the reason your house won" said Mrs. Wildfire "not only you" said El, Mrs. Wildfire giggled "I know, and I'm proud of you sweetie" she said. Mrs. Wildfire and El were about to leave, "before you leave, miss Wildfire, I would like to tell you that next year you can use your powers freely. I can even arrange some teachers to help you master your powers" said Dumbledore "but promise me that you'll use them only for good" "of course professor" said El. El and Mrs. Wildfire walked from the Great Hall. They got to the Castle Grounds, Mrs. Wildfire told El that she'll show her the way home on a broom so next time if El misses the train, she can get to Hogwarts by flying there.

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