The Final War

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"El Wildfire, happy to finally meet you eye to eye" said Voldemort "I see you were too scared and brought your friend" "I wasn't scared" said El "of course you're not, you're like your mother, everything was good until she started to date this stupid kid" said Voldemort " don't you dare to call my dad stupid" said El. Voldemort got closer to El, "Cara was one of my biggest followers, you could be my follower too if love wasn't existing. Every Slytherin student here is my follower, but you two just like Cara and Don" he said "I think in Hogwarts everyone is being told that they should not follow you" said Merula "even Slytherins". Voldemort walked back a little bit and pointed on El with his wand. "Well, it's time to say goodbye, Wildfire" he said "don't you dare touch her!" Mrs. Wildfire entered the room, she was pointing on Voldemort with her wand. Mrs. Wildfire walked closer to El and put her hand on El's right shoulder. "Look who came here, isn't that my ex number one follower?" Voldemort mocked "and I'm very proud to be" said Mrs. Wildfire "I'm sure you're not proud of what you made. If not that accident, I'll could never find your child and get my revenge" said Voldemort. Voldemort was ready to cast the Avada Kedavra spell, he looked at El "Expelliarmus!" Mrs. Wildfire casted before Voldemort could kill her daughter. "I see that you learned something while you were in Hogwarts" said Voldemort "you always liked danger, Ling" "I'm not Ling anymore" said Mrs. Wildfire and casted Flipendo. "So you bullying side still exists after all" said Voldemort "there is a difference between bullying and protecting" said Mrs. Wildfire "'Flipendo' is always a start of a dueling, are you throwing me a request?" Voldemort asked "I don't mind dueling you" said Mrs. Wildfire "no mom, don't do it you can die" said El "I'm doing it for you, sweetie" said Mrs. Wildfire. Merula pulled El back, "what are you doing?" El asked "they're going to duel, you don't want to get hurt again, do you?" Merula asked "I rather get hurt than see my mom dying" said El "with her two fans she won't die" said Merula "just believe that she will win". Mrs. Wildfire and Voldemort started to duel, El and Merula watched from behind. El was scared that her mother will die, she wanted to close her eyes. The voice came back and started to whisper non stop again. El closed her ears but it won't help, she got down on her knees and from that position lied down. She wanted everything to stop, El closed her eyes. After some seconds an explosion occurred. Voldemort flied to the wall that was behind him, all the others were in their places. Mrs. Wildfire walked to Voldemort "before we go, I would like to say something" she said "Avada Kedavra" Voldemort exploded, "I hope he's gone for a long time" Mrs. Wildfire said. She turned around and saw El lying on the ground "El, are you ok?" Mrs. Wildfire asked. El got up slowly "how did you do that, El?" Merula asked "I don't know" said El "so you did the explosion" said Mrs. Wildfire "I'm sorry, mom" said El "don't be sorry, it was great" said Mrs. Wildfire "finally I got to see you while you're here in Hogwarts" said El "you missed me, didn't you?" Mrs. Wildfire asked. El and Mrs. Wildfire hugged "well, I gotta go back home. I see that you got better after dragon's attack. And you have great friends that will always be by your side. So I don't have to worry about you anymore" said Mrs. Wildfire "I gotta mention that your scar suits you" she said before leaving the room.

Hogwards mystery: a student with powersUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum