The Danger Is Close

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"Are you sure that it was a dragon?" Max asked "ya, ya, it was big" said Widlik "Widlik Akab (please don't read his last name backwards, he is not that word) and Max Artic" said Snape "as I was at Hogwarts many years, I never heard of dragons that exist in Hogwarts' area" "but professor, I swear I saw one" said Widlik "don't make me take away points from your house for nonsense" said Snape. Max and Widlik upsetely walked away, they saw El and Merula. "You look sad, what happened?" El asked "nothing, you won't believe me anyway" said Widlik "Widlik told me that he saw a dragon in a secret room. And professor Snape threatened us to take away points from our house for nonsense" said Max "stop being babies, Snape hates everyone" said Merula "wait, a dragon?" El asked "ya, ya, a very big dragon" said Widlik "so cool" said Merula "and dangerous" said El "I think it must be You Know Whose plan" said Max "you mean he's trying to get my power by using a dragon?" El asked "how pathetic" said Merula "let's not go there, it might be dangerous" said Widlik. Merula was very curious about the dragon, but she didn't want to risk her life. El and Merula went to their charming class. "Welcome students for another charming class, today we'll learn 'Wingardium Leviosa'. This charm will make objects fly" said professor Flitwick "all you have to do is to swish and flik, like we were practicing" everybody took their wands and started to cast the charm. After some tries Merula successfully lifted her feather. "Well done miss Slyn, now I see that you've got motivation to learn. Ten points to Slytherin" said Flitwick. Everyone went back to their common rooms. "So how is the practicing going?" Merula asked "fine until you came" said El " I just want to help" said Merula "I know you enough time, you and helping don't go together" said El "you're my friend after all, isn't that what friends are for?" Merula asked. El looked at Merula "and how are you going to help? Will you hypnotize me and say 'from now on, you'll be able to lift things up'?"she lifted her hand. Merula giggled, she noticed El's shocked face, she turned around slowly and saw that all the objects in the common room were flouting. She looked at El's hand that was lifted but there wasn't any wand in her hand. All the Slytherins in the common room saw this and were also shocked, Slytherin's perfect saw it too and immediately left the common room. "How did you do that?" Merula asked "I don't know" El replied. El and Merula left the common room, Dumbledore was waiting for them. "Miss Wildfire, do you remember our last talk?" Dumbledore asked "yes professor" El replied "I heard from your perfect that you were using your powers. I'm afraid to tell you that if you'll keep using your powers, You Know Who will be closer and closer to finding you" said Dumbledore "but I don't know how I do that" said El "that's ok, I understand you. But please next time if you discover a new ability, try to stop doing the same ability. But quickly" said Dumbledore. Merula looked thoughtful "is something wrong?" El asked "no nothing" Merula replied.

Hogwards mystery: a student with powersWhere stories live. Discover now