Time To Say Goodbye

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El and Merula exited from the dark hallway. Lina and Albert were waiting for them, "that's where you have been, we were looking for you everywhere" said Lina "we saw Mrs. Wildfire walking from the place you exited" said Albert "yeah, we know, she was with us" said El "she saved you once again?" Lina asked "no, this time El saved her" said Merula. Lina and Albert looked at El. "Don't look at me like that" said El "besides, my mom is leaving Hogwarts today, so I want to accompany her" "we'll join too" said Lina "and you Merula?" "Uh, yeah I don't mind" said Merula. All the gang gathered in the Great Hall, "so, what happened there?" Max asked "long story short, Voldemort has been defeated once again. I mean, The One Who Shall Not Be Named" said El "don't worry, it's Slytherin's habit" said Merula "what?!" Marcus and Andy were shocked "so you asked me about spells for this?" Andy asked "is there something wrong?" El asked "nothing, just, you're very brave. Just like that Harry Potter boy" said Andy "ya,ya, his spirit might be in you" said Widlik "I don't think he's dead, our parents might learned with him" said Albert "you can ask your mom if she knew him" said Jake "in summer holidays by a chance" said El "she left already?" Jake asked "no, but she's leaving today" said El "can we join accompanying her?" Max asked "sure, why not" said El. Mrs. Wildfire was standing near Slytherin's common room, holding her broom and waiting for her daughter to come accompany her. Merula exited the common room "hey Merula, do you know where is El?" Mrs. Wildfire asked "she's... she'll do something quickly and come out" said Merula. "'Engorgio', 'Engorgio', I'm sorry" Merula and Mrs. Wildfire heard El's voice from the common room. El ran out to them, "let's get out of here before one of my housemates kills me" she said. Mrs. Wildfire and the gang gathered at the Castle Grounds, "well, it's my time to go home. I really had fun here back at Hogwarts. But as a graduate, I can't stay here forever. And you El, I wanted to say to you that everything will be alright before you left to Hogwarts. But I was too happy for you that you're going to the same place where me and dad were learning. Well, I hope to see you again at summer holidays" said Mrs. Wildfire. El and Mrs. Wildfire hugged for the last time, "goodbye sweetie" said Mrs.Wildfire "goodbye mom" said El. Mrs. Wildfire took of on her broom, the others were waving their hand.

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