I'll Keep Get Her

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"The Quidditch game between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor is very soon. Any tips?" Jake caught El at the hallways. "Do I have tips?" El asked "of course, you're Slytherin's Quidditch champion" said Jake "but I played only one game until now" said El "but this game is put to Hogwards' history" said Jake "you know what, here's a tip: LEAVE ME ALONE, I NOW EXACTLY WHAT ARE YOU DOING. AND I MIND IF YOU'LL BE MY BOYFRIEND. YOU ARE NOT MY TYPE" El yelled "El, clam down, you're embarrassing yourself" said Jake "I DON'T CARE" El yelled and walked away. There was silence, everyone looked at Jake "what are you looking at?" Said Jake angrily. El entered her common room, Merula was there "what a pissed off face" said Marula "I heard a yelling, what happened?" "Nothing, just embarrassed myself for the third time" said El. Merula combined her hands and by her face expression El could tell that Merula wants to know the truth. "Fine, I rejected Jake and everyone heard that. Now they can't stop talking about that" said El "it's not easy to be a popular after all" said Merula " but I didn't mean to be popular" said El. All Hogwards students went to eat in the Great Hall. On the way back Marcus and Andy caught El and Merula. "We're so exited for tomorrow's Quidditch game, who do you think will win? Gryffindor or Hufflepuff?" Marcus asked "I wish that Gryffindor will win" said El "wow, you think so?" Andy asked "she hates Hufflepuff because of what happened today" said Merula "what happened today?" Andy asked "ooh, right, everyone talking about how El rejected Jake today" said Marcus "you rejected Jake Francis? The popular Hufflepuff student?" Andy asked "let's not talk about it" said El. Tomorrow came, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff went to their Quidditch game. Gryffindor won this game, "so Albert, how was the view?" Marcus asked "it was so beautiful, so inspiring" said Albert "so you wrote already your poem?" Andy asked "I wrote more than one" said Albert "wow, you're so fast" said Marcus "that's what like to be a good poet" said Albert. Albert, Marcus and Andy caught El "how did you knew Gryffindor will win?" Marcus asked "yeah you're a real witch" said Andy "I don't think that there was magic used. My brother is just so dramatic" said Lina "I never seen you in person Lina, your hair and eye color is same as your brother" said Marcus "yeah I know, everyone think that we're twins" said Lina "so what happened there?" El asked "my brother started to have a metal breakdown after that you rejected him" said Lina "but who said that I must like him back" said El "I don't blame you El, it just that I hate when my brother is being a baby" said Lina "I agree, popular people are so weird" said Merula and looked at El. "Why are you looking at me like that?" El asked "what, did you take away my right to look at people?" Merula asked. Lina, Albert, Marcus and Andy started to laugh about it but Albert laughed more loud then anybody else. Everyone stopped and looked at him and Albert nervously stopped laughing.

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