The Rescue

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"Everyone ready?" El asked, everyone nodded. El looked at the door to the secret room, she was scared but she wanted to rescue Merula. El put her hand on the door and slowly opened it. It was dark, "are you sure the you saw a dragon here Widlik?" El asked "ya, ya, I will never lie" said Widlik "lumos" El casted, she saw a dark green skin. A big orange eye opened, the dragon started to roar. El noticed Merula, she was held by dragon's big and long tail "El!" Merula shouted "Merula!" El shouted back "don't worry we'll get you out of here" the dragon kept roaring "ok everyone on three everyone cast 'flipendo'" said El "1...2...3!" "Flipendo" everyone shouted. The dragon roared again and started to attack with its two front paws. Everyone kept casting "flipendo" and the dragon kept roaring and attacking. The door of the secret room opened, Max joined to help rescue Merula. "I knew you'll join us" said Widlik "I just felt bad that I didn't agree to join" said Max. The dragon hit El with its big paw, El lost consciousness. Everyone was scared, they weren't sure if they can keep casting "flipendo". The gang looked at the dragon and it roared "VERA VERTO!" someone casted it on the dragon, it turned into a cup and Merula fell down. They looked back to see who it was. They saw a woman with a green scarf that represents Slytherin, a black jacket that looks like Hogwards' uniform and bob haircut. It was El's mom "thank you so much miss, you saved us" said Lina "I'm sorry but who are you?" Jake asked. Mrs. Wildfire smiled "I'm Cara Wildfire" she said "you're El's mother?" Marcus asked "is it true that you made a failed potion and it led to bad consequences?" Max asked "I... I don't want to talk about it. I don't even want to hear about that anymore" said Mrs. Wildfire. El recovered a little bit and stood up, she looked back and saw her mother. "M-mom?" She asked and lost consciousness again. "Well, at least she's not dead" said Mrs. Wildfire "get her to Hospital Wing, I don't think that Hogwarts' graduates are allowed to be here. But who knows, I'll go asked Dumbledore just in case so I could stay here a little bit"

Hogwards mystery: a student with powersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz