The Illusion

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El and Merula were sitting in the Great Hall "so you're discharging soon from the Hospital Wing?" Merula asked "did I heard right?" Max asked "is El Wildfire herself discharging from Hospital Wing?" Marcus asked "I said soon" said Merula "but the scar didn't go away" said Lina "scars don't work like that, they stay forever" said El "so you don't have headache anymore?" Max asked "I guess, you fainted like three times" said Merula. At night, El couldn't fall asleep. She was turning around in her bed. She looked at the other students in the Hospital Wing. Everyone was sleeping except from El. El heard a glass breaking from outside of the room. "M-Madam Pomfrey?" El asked "is that you?".El got of her bed and opened the door a little bit. She looked at the hallways but it was empty. El closed the door and stated to go back to bed. "El..." a strange voice called her name, she turned around and saw a black figure walking away from the Hospital Wing and slammed the door. El ran back to her bed so no one will think that she did it. The door slowly opened, El pretended that she's sleeping. Filch entered the Hospital Wing, he started to look everywhere. El was scared, she kept pretending that she's asleep. Filch lighted every student with his lamp, when he got to El, he got closer to her. El tried not to move, Filch walked away. At the lunch, El told what happened to her last night. "Are you sure you don't need to stay a bit more at the Hospital Wing?" Merula asked "do you think I'm crazy?" El asked "it sounds like it" Merula replied "or maybe it's, You Know Who" said Albert "how?" El asked "there is a story about a boy named Harry Potter, he learned here at Hogwards, he was in Gryffindor. So basically, at his second year he heard a voice too. At the end it was actually The One Who Shall Not Be Named" said Albert. All the gang looked at Albert weirdly "what? You can ask professor Dumbledore, he knew him" said Albert. El, Merula and Albert went to Dumbledore. "So you're hearing voices. I haven't heard of this for many years" said Dumbledore "I knew a boy who learned here. He was a very powerful wizard. You Know Who was after him too. I admit he had kind of powers" "I told you" said Albert "I recommend you to not listen to the voice. It can lead you to death" said Dumbledore.

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