✓Bruce Banner✓

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"Personal Care"

Every mission you were included in are very hard. Yes, you are not that bad at fighting but Captain would usually bring you to harder missions because of your abilities, elemental manipulation. It's just easier for them when you're there. But most of the time it would end up with you being injured with at least a few deep cuts.

This actually angered Bruce but chose to keep it to himself since he's secretly admiring you. Little did he know is that you somehow notice his intentions and think its cute. You've noticed this because everytime you're sent to the infirmary, Bruce would be too quick to accommodate you even if the other's injuries are worse than yours.

It wasn't hard for Bruce to fall for you, though. You're the only one in the team that listens to his random scientific theories and knowledge even if you don't understand him at all, well aside from Tony because they somehow get each other. You would also visit him in his lab a lot to keep him company while he's doing his work. And there are also times where you'd bring him foods whenever he's stuck at doing something and was too occupied to eat.

This time, Bruce waited anxiously for you in the hangar bay when they got a call that the mission was somehow a fail and that most in the team needed immediate medical assistance, he kept on hoping you weren't one of them.

"Bruce, can you please stop tapping your foot?" Clint whined beside him. "It's making me more anxious."

"Sorry I'm just scared for the team." The doctor mumbled.

"The team? Or Y/N?" The doctor's breath hitched on his throat with what his friend has said.

"W-What did you mean by that?" He asked nervously.

"Oh please, Banner! We don't need multiple PhD's to be aware of your feelings for Y/N. You look at the girl as if she's your first ever scientific prototype that you've worked on for years or some shit like that." Clint said with a mischievous smirk.

"Is it that obvious?" Bruce groaned in frustration.

"Well, unless they're dumb then I assume they won't notice. But Y/N is a smart girl so good luck with that." Clint chuckled.

"Thanks, man. You're really a great help." Bruce said sarcastically.

"Why don't you tell her how you feel?" Clint asked, a little more serious this time.

"Clint, have you seen me? I'm a dork! I spent most of my time in the lab instead of socializing and I'm definitely not good with talking to women. And Y/N...well she's just perfect." Bruce sighed.

"I didn't thought I'd see a day where I'm gonna be able to tell you this but... You are dumb." Clint raised his eyebrows at the doctor. "She wouldn't be spending time with you on your laboratory when she can just hang out with the rest of us if she doesn't at least have a tiniest crush on you. Y/N would even sit out on movie nights to keep you company on your lab."

"I don't know, Clint. Maybe she's just being nice." Bruce mumbled, actually thinking about what his friend has said.

His thoughts were interrupted by the Quinjet landing on the hangar bay and the doors opening shortly. The first one to appear was Natasha limping from a sprained ankle and blood dripping from her shoulder, Clint was quick to rush to her. The next one to come out was Steve with Sam clinging to him who was shot on his leg and three other nurses aided them. What made the doctor's heart drop to the floor was when Tony appearing with Y/N on his arms, unconscious. Bruce ran to Tony whose eyes are filled with fear and guilt.

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