✓Bucky Barnes Pt. 3✓

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Let's just pretend Civil War didn't happen...

"Turning Page"

I surrender who I've been for who you are
For nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart

It's been months since you found Bucky and got him to live with you and Steve in the new compound that Tony had made. The team was hesitant at first to let him stay but you promised them that you and Steve would keep an eye on him.

It was hard for Bucky to adjust. He'd get nightmares every night and wouldn't open up to anyone and would only talk to you and Steve at first. But with full support and help, he was able to interact with the other team members, maybe a little more with Natasha.

You still haven't told him about what you two really were and he'd ask you a lot of times but you'd always tell him that you were his best friend. The truth may scare him off and that's what scares you the most. He knew you were a vampire but he didn't know how bad you became when he died, or so you thought. So when he's gotten a lot closer to Natasha when they'd both do trainings together, you couldn't do anything but to cry in your room at night. You've also kept a bit of distance from him so that he wouldn't be suspicious of you. Natasha didn't know who Bucky was to you so you couldn't blame her too.

Its 2am as you lay completely awake in your room. You don't sleep at night anymore so you wait for Bucky's scream beside your room when he's woken up by a nightmare. As if on cue, you heard his voice and thrashing so you stood up and rushed on his room.

"Hey, hey. Wake up." You shrugged Bucky's shoulder and he jolts up, his eyes flashed with fear and confusion. "Hey, you're safe. I'm here, no one's gonna hurt you." You cooed as he burst into tears. This isn't the first time you've seen and held Bucky as he cries.

"Y/N?" He looked at you before you pull him in a hug.

"Yeah, it's me. It's gonna be okay, Buck. You're safe and free now." You whispered to him. His face is buried in your neck and you can feel his hot tears on your skin but you don't mind. "You wanna talk about it? Is it the same nightmares?" You asked, Bucky's nightmares mostly consists of his horrifying experience in HYDRA.

"N-No. It was a memory, b-before HYDRA." He stuttered. "T-There was this girl, we were dancing in a living room. I can hear her laughing and so am I, we were happy but I couldn't see her face since it was buried on my chest."

"If it's so happy then why are you crying?" You asked as your body stiffened. It was indeed a memory of you and Bucky back in the 40's and you could still remember those nights. He would put on that French record that you two loved and would sway on the music, it's the same record that you brought when you left your house more than 70 years ago. The same vinyl record that is kept hidden in your closet along with Bucky's letters.

"I became the Soldier. The next thing I knew, she was laying on her stomach on the floor with her blood of my hands." He cried again. "D-Do you happen to know her? The girl in my dream, I meant. She seemed special." Bucky pulled away from the hug and looked at you.

"Probably just one of the girls you dated." You lied straight through your teeth. "You're a very charming man back then, Buck." You smiled lightly at him.

"But was I a good man?" The vulnerability is very evident in his eyes.

You cupped his cheek and looked straight at his beautiful eyes. "You were, and still are, the best man I've ever met. HYDRA may have corrupted you but I know that the same Bucky I've met decades ago is still in there and we're gonna bring him back, okay?" You smiled at him which he reciprocated.

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