✓Bucky Barnes✓

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You, Bucky, Sam, Natasha and Steve are all on an undercover mission to raid a transaction between this two powerful HYDRA members. The location was a fancy bar so all of you had to dress up in fancy dresses and suit and tie, well except for Captain and Sam since they are the ones to take cover and secure the perimeter for the three of you. You've been all grumpy about it since you absolutely hate playing dress up because one, it is very uncomfortable and two, its hard to kick some asses when you're wearing a dress and killer heels. 

"Why can't Sam take my place? He's so much better with mingling anyways." You grunted as Nat finishes your make up. 

"Captain's orders. " She chuckled.

"I hate him sometimes." You huffed and looked at the mirror when Nat left to dress herself. In all fairness, Nat did a great job on concealing the bags under your eyes and to be honest you look good, really good that you can't even recognize yourself in the mirror since you barely put anything on your face on a daily basis.

After dressing yourself up in a fitted, red satin dress that falls on your ankle, slipped on the black stilettos and putting on the wig to conceal your true hair color, you went out of bathroom in the hotel room you share with Nat. Your bestfriend gasped as soon as she saw you, obviously not used on seeing you all dolled up as well.

"Nat, please don't say anything. I'm already uncomfortable." You groaned as she took photos of you. "What are you doing?"

"Hey, I don't see you this gorgeous all the time and plus, Wanda asked me to." She said as you both put your earpiece.

"Romanoff, Y/L/N, what's taking the two of you so long? You guys need to go down there before they arrive!" Steve asked through the comms.

"Don't make me hate you more, Rogers." You replied to him and you don't have to see him in person to know that he's sporting a smirk.

"I'm still your Captain." He chuckled.

"Don't fucking care, you make me wear heels!" You whined as Nat gathered everything you guys need and handed you your gun and you strap them on the garter on you upper thigh.

"Watch your language, Y/N." Steve warned.

"Sorry, grandpa." I joked and you two both laughed. "Let's go before Captain Old Man bust our door open with his crane." You told Natasha, knowing Captain would hear it.

"Hey, I heard that!" Steve whined.

"Then mission accomplished." You smirk. 

"Okay, we're going out." Both you and Nat walked out of your room and onto the elevator. "Where's Bucky?" She asked Steve.

"He's already in position so will you two please hurry up." You heard Bucky's voice through the comms making you chuckle, Nat sent you a look but you cleared your throat to play it cool.

Sure you've been in love with Bucky since you both met in the HYDRA facility. You're a super soldier too and Bucky was the one who trained you. Every time you would remember who you really are, you'd have a panic attack and Bucky was always there, well whenever he wasn't on a mission. But you get to escape HYDRA two years before Steve was able to take Bucky and that's due to your good acting skills. You made them believe that you are loyal and doesn't need to be rebooted on your missions, it took a while to get their trust but when you did, you did not hesitate to escape. Well honestly, you did hesitate because you don't want to leave Bucky behind but there was no other choice. 

So for those two years of you being free and joining the Avengers, you only thought about Bucky. You would go with Steve on his missions to find his bestfriend. Guilt haunted you every time you and Steve would raid a HYDRA facility and Bucky wasn't there. You almost lost all your hope until the day you two were reunited again. The unspoken connection was still there and he never blamed you for leaving, in fact, he was so proud that you get to escape alone. So here you are, a year later and you still haven't told him how you really feel. You decided not to tell him yet because he was still in the process of coping and you wanna help him first, he's been constantly having nightmares but you were always there to run to his room in the middle of the night to comfort him, helping him cope with the new environment and helping him work on his issues. You never left his side.

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