✓Loki Laufeyson ✓

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"Frost Giant"

The door swung open as you entered your room to see your boyfriend, Loki. He has been acting quite differently since his last arrival in Earth to visit you. He has been more agitated, anxious rather, and you've been very worried. Although Loki has lots of problems which he have shared with you, he would always seem to be his cocky and confident self most of the time. But its one of those bad days he has. He barely even talked to you for the past three days that he's been here and the only time he'd speak with you is when you're asking him questions and he'd answer with short replies.

Loki was laying on the bed when you saw him. You figured that a breakfast in bed would somehow lighten up his mood, hopefully. Loki closed his eyes immediately when he heard the door opened and the tapping of your foot against the hardwood floor of your room.

"Loki, come one, I know you're pretending to sleep." You spoke but he stayed silent . "You can fool everyone but me so up you go." You placed the tray of freshly cooked breakfast on your bedside table and tapped his shoulder. "I know I'm not the best cook out there but I worked hard for this, babe, at least have a bit. Please?" Loki knew to himself that he could never say no to you so he turned his body to you with a huff as he sat up.

"You do know how to persuade someone." Loki said, forcing a straight face as he watch your face lit up. 

"Only you, dear. There's no other heart I can melt but yours." You winked at him before picking up the tray. 

"Feed me, then...mortal." He smirked at you with his inside joke. Oh how I missed this playful side of him, you thought to yourself. You obliged, though. You brought the fork with egg up to his mouth and opened it for you. "That wasn't so bad, my love. You're getting better at this." He said sincerely.

"Honey, tell that to me when I cooked a much more complicated dish than a scrambled egg." You joked which made the two of you laugh. When Loki's laugh died down, he looked at you intensely which you noticed immediately. "Okay, what is the problem?" You asked seriously.

"What do you mean?" Loki asked.

"Are you breaking up with me?" You sucked in a breath, bracing yourself for his answer which you may not be ready for.

"What?" Loki sat up right and frowned. "Where is all of this coming from, Y/N?"

"I don't know, Loki." You sighed and bowed your head, avoiding his beautiful eyes. "Maybe the way you stare at me with that weird look. Or maybe the fact that you've barely talked to me for three days since you came from Asgard and it's so unlike you. Before, you'd never stop talking about your fights and tricks you pulled to Thor, don't get me wrong I love it when you just talk nonstop which is why I'm worried." Tear almost slipped from your eyes but you do your best to stop them. "Do you not love me anymore?" You looked up to him with glassy eyes.

"No! Of course I do love you! My dear, I cannot even fathom how much I am in love with you. All my life I lived with only envy and anger and pain, I didn't know I could possibly feel this strongly towards someone." Loki took both of your hands and grasped it. "Never doubt my love for you again. I can assure you that there is nothing and no one in the universe that could replace you in my heart."

"Well, no shit you went against everyone for a blue cube. I don't see you doing that for me but I won't wish you would anyway." You snorted and Loki looked at you, confused.

"My love, I'd destroy anything and anyone if they try to take you away from me or harm you in any way." Loki said and brushed your cheek with one of his ever-so-cold hand.

"That's...brutally romantic but thanks for the assurance, I guess." Loki cracked a smile and kissed your forehead. "So you're not breaking up with me?"

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