✓Avengers/Loki Laufeyson✓

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"All That's Left"

Trigger Warning: Angsty

Song: The Night We Met By Lord Huron

*Post Endgame*

You've won. Avengers finally beat Thanos and everyone got their loved ones back. the world was back to normal. People are celebrating, families are reunited and Earth is now back to being colorful. It was time to rejoice and celebrate and yet here you are, standing in the middle of the place where the compound used to be before it collapsed due to the battle.

There was nothing for you to rejoice. You've lost your best friend for being her stupid, heroic self and sacrificing herself for the soul stone, Natasha. The two of you stayed at the compound during the blip. For five years, you both managed to keep each other sane although it was so hard. You didn't even got the chance to say goodbye to her when you joined Bruce on the time heist to retrieve the time stone so when al of you went back and you saw Clint fell on his knees with no Natasha by his side, you almost lost it.

Another best friend left you as well, Wanda. She was like a sister to you and her disappearance from the blip was one of the hardest to cope up with. Wanda left after Tony's funeral, you can see the pain in her eyes from when she lost Vision. To be completely honest, you can't blame her for leaving, she's lost everything. You just wish that she would've taken you with her so that you wouldn't be alone.

And then you lost the father figure you've had ever since you joined the team. Tony basically adopted you when they found out that you've been an orphan your whole life. He took care of you and treated you as his own even when they had Morgan. The moment he smiled at you before snapping his fingers, you knew that a huge part of you would die with him and it did.

And then you lost your mentor, Steve. Steve saw a lot of potential on you so he didn't gave up on you and trained you a lot since you became an Avenger. He was the one to thank for your excellent skills in fighting. Steve was also the one that taught you many things about life, constantly giving you advices that would stay in your heart for as long as you live. Before he brought the stones back, he told you to get ready for training and you were confused at first on why he wanted you to leave first but as always, you followed his orders. So when Bucky and Sam went to the gym instead of Steve, you broke down in tears.

"He didn't even said goodbye." You sobbed.

"He asked you to leave because he knew you were the hardest to say goodbye to. Steve knows you've been through a lot." Bucky said as he hugged you while you cry on the floor, you were surprised by his action because Bucky Barnes never shows affection towards his friends although he cares a lot.

And on top of all of that, you lost a lover, Loki. His last visit on Earth was the time he proposed to you, the two of you were supposed to get married as soon as he got back. Bruce told you about their battle with Thor and Loki's sister that's why it took him a bit longer to come back. But then Bruce told you how Thanos destroyed their ship. When you saw Thor on the battle in Wakanda, you hoped that Loki was with him until Thor himself told you the unfortunate faith of your other half.


A loud thunder erupted in the sky and you smirked to yourself. Your future brother-in-law is here. So maybe when Bruce said that they're probably dead, the two brothers found a way to survive. Knowing Loki, he would probably cheat on death as always. You fought the alien dog, electrocuting it with the electricity coming from your hands, its your powers. The creature fell dead as you ran towards Thor, electrocuting the enemies on your way. You saw a racoon and what seems like a tree made of roots beside Thor.

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