"I do not believe it, no normal human could reach his levels. King James, founder of the biggest Kingdom in Dragovh was slain by a Dragon God, and he only managed to damage it to a degree."

"Not a lot of humans could stand up to us in a direct fight, this King James must be a fool to try to go against a being older than the soil he built his Kingdom on."

Pierence was just left in silence as if he just heard words that absolutely angered him, Eattare comes into the conversation and tries to calm the situation.

"Then, why are you here? And don't you think it's better to be in human form?"

Bahamut lifts her head as if she heard something that also grinded her.

"Woman, I'm one of the representatives of the Dragons. Why would I trade this body for that of a human? A human body is weak and fragile. It hurts me to see my Lord get hurt every time he fails to win a fight. Blood is easily spilled, and no wings unless you have magic. No Dragon would trade their flight for a pair of feet."

"But all of our Dragon Gods, from History to today are all in Human form."

"Then this world's Dragon Gods do not deserve thine respect. To shed thou's scales and change their form to a Humans, absolutely disgraceful for who should be a representative of our race. Though I will admit, I do have a human form... but that form has been destroyed long ago in a Labyrinth built for me."

Ingraine recall a certain story or rumor from the land. Not being from Dragovh, she knows of a certain land in Schon that could get her attention.

"I've even heard from our Elders that there exists a city of Dragons. I actually came from the Continent of Schon, also called the Demon Continent. We have the biggest population of Dragons next Dragovh and it's said that out here, some Dragons live in a community where they constantly change forms from human to dragon and is led by one of the last Dragon Gods, Queen Catherine."

"That is problematic. We are prideful creatures, if one Dragon God was to meet another... a battle might occur."

"Well, that's what my Elders say, because the Dragons in Schon are slowly becoming extinct. The Hybrids or known as the Permanent Werewolves have been destroying the local fauna for a very long time. Many starved to death if I remember the story."

Bahamut tilts her head in curiosity.

"Interesting, I know humans tend to be friendly with other races but I never knew it'd reach that point where the two would be living in one, without conflict. Though they have the blood of the Dragons, I must visit them first before making an opinion about them. Strange, but I'm sure my Master would be interested in visiting them."

Bahamut thinks about it further, and simply sets her head down again. Deep in thought. While Pierence is still behind the group, keeping his distance from the dragon. Grifvet on the other hand gets closer to her.

"So, where are you headed? You can't simply be going around for no reason."

"I need to find a way to destroy the seal that was put to my Master without alerting the great mages. I might have my powers back, but I fear that doing so will only vindicate my Master even further. His faction is already at a disadvantage from the beginning. I must hide the fact that they have a Dragon God in their arsenal. I've also been instructed before to keep myself a secret till needed."

"And what does eating the animals of the Forest of Treuat had to do with that?"

"I hadn't fed for very long. I was attempting to find a way to destroy the seal that was installed upon mine Master for a while now. I got tired, though I do not want to leave him behind, he'd always tell me to be independent. Thus I went out after waiting for a while, I actually do not know of your language. Dragonian was it? I was only able to learn it after reading a book left by an adventurer who was sadly slain by the Demons of the city."

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