"We gotta go now Octavia." Cassy urged her. Lincoln grabbed Octavia kissed her and then both of the girls ran back to camp.

"Cassy and Octavia will come back with a cure." Clarke told the camp. Finn was holding her in bridal style.

"There is no cure." Octavia said making sure everyone heard her and then looked at Cassy signaling for her to say what Lincoln told them.

"The Grounders don't use this sickness to kill." Cassy called out.

"Really? Tell that to them." Bellamy asked and then pointed further away. Two bodies lay there motionless. "I warned you about seeing that Grounder again." He told his sister.

"Yeah, well. I have a warning for you too. The Grounders are coming." She said and all the delinquents looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

"They're attacking at first light." Cassiopeia informed them all.

"How many bullets can you make by first light?" Bellamy asked Raven when the crowd dispersed.

"I'll help." Cassy told Raven.

"You can't. We still don't know if you carry the virus." Bellamy said.

"I'm immune." She spitted back. She felt like Bellamy blamed her for everything.

"There's five to a clip. Let's go. We need to get guns on the wall." Bellamy instructed Harper, Jasper, Finn and Monty that where in the same tent as Cassy and Raven.

"Why just five?" Monty asked.

"We're running out of gunpowder." Cassy answered and then handed a clip to Harper. She hadn't met her formally but they saw each other often around camp.

"We're so dead." Harper sighed and grabbed the clip.

"Don't worry. I got your back." Jasper flirted and Monty chuckled. "You got something to say?" He asked his best friend.

"Hey, guys. Stay focused." Raven ordered. "We're doing good. We need as many rounds by dawn as we can."

"It won't matter if there's no one left who can shoot. What do we need to build a bomb?" Finn suddenly asked surprising everyone.

"Depends on what you wanna blow up." Raven retorted.

"How about a bridge?" He asked.

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked intrigued.

"Murphy said he crossed the bridge from the Grounders camp. Sound familiar?" Finn said.

"Yeah, so what?" Bellamy said.

"The virus is fast. He's already getting better. Blowing the bridge won't stop the attack but the longer we can delay it the more of us can fight." Finn responded.

"Even if Murphy's telling the truth, a big 'if'  that bridge has survived a nuclear war and 97 years of weather." Bellamy said.

"It won't survive me." Raven smirked.

"You should collect more of that liquid again at the destroyed drop ship." Cassy said as she put a clip of bullets in her own riffle. "I'll keep an eye out for any Grounders whilst you're gone."

"Okay, you can come in now." Raven called out from inside the tent. She had told the group to stay outside as she filled the pinky liquid in a jar.

"That's it?" Cassy asked surprised. How can that jar possibly blow up a whole bridge. Maybe this was a bad idea Cassy thought.

"Boom." Raven said excitedly.

Cassiopeia KaneWhere stories live. Discover now